I never took a political science course.

When I go to the supermarket, I can see people looking in my cart. So I have to be careful what I buy and when. I send my sister to Costco to pick up the personal items.

I think exercise is really important, not just for your physical self, for your body, but for your head.

On the campaign trail, I have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life - from residents at a battered women's shelter to mentally handicap children to retirees - and learn about their lives and struggles.

What's on my iPod? Well, certainly Bruce Springsteen.

There were times when I actually prayed not to get married.

My students are working one, sometimes two jobs. They have kids. They're going school. They're dealing with real everyday problems. They are inspiring because they're trying to get ahead and make a better life for themselves and their kids.

I buy my own clothes. I have a teacher's salary.

I had grown up with four sisters.

The White House is a serious place, with serious people, doing serious work. If you're not careful, it can grind you down.

We need good reading programs, and we need equity in schools.

Not only had I not expected a random call from Joe Biden, but I could never have imagined he would make that call to ask me out. I've been asked if I was starstruck by the fact that a U.S. senator thought I was worth a call, but I honestly wasn't. I was flattered that someone I'd heard of was interested.

Most people probably don't know that Joe has a romantic side to him.

Well, when Joe Biden is president you will no longer see this separation of families along the border. We welcome these families to enter into the United States.

The role I have always felt most at home in is being 'Dr. B.'

We can learn something from every single medical interaction. Every case, every patient has a lesson to teach us.

Well, when I'm out running, people don't recognize me, which is great. I don't feel pressure; I'm not out to beat anybody or hit a certain time. I just do it for the enjoyment of it. I'm doing it for myself.

I think I am a tough grader, because I feel like it's my job to teach them to write well. I hope my students say I'm a fair teacher.

Well, I'm a runner, and I have to run with Secret Service - even though they can run twice as fast. It took me a while to get used to running with them, because I love the solitary aspect of it. So I have two rules. First, I can't hear their feet. And second, I can't see their shadows.

When students come to the community college, they're focused. They know what they want to do, and they have a certain amount of time to do it.

We've seen the struggle, and we know that most American families are dealing with some sort of struggle like we are. And I think they can relate to us, you know, as parents who are hopeful and are supportive of our son, and we will continue to be supportive. And I think that makes us more empathetic about helping other Americans.

It sounds so trite to say I make a difference, but I really feel, especially in a community college, I can make a difference.

I'm good at separating things. When I'm in my classroom, I'm totally there. When I'm at an event, I'm totally there. And when I'm with my grandkids, my total attention is on them.

Most women I know have been harassed in some way. And you never wanted to report it, because you were afraid of losing your job or you felt like, hey, did that just happen? I think it's good that women now... have the courage! Because it's not easy.