I love to beatbox and have been doing it before I even knew what it was.

If I was rich enough, I would love to launch my own record label. I would love to try and give all my musically talented friends a start in the industry.

I like a little bit of designer, with a bit of vintage and high street mixed in. I love it when you find those one-off key pieces, which end up becoming investment pieces.

When I was really small, my mother had difficulty keeping me dressed, as I liked to be naked! I definitely had very strong ideas on what I wanted to wear. My favourite look was always Action Man and Spiderman. Now though, I really like beautiful clothes.

I've always wanted to do a shoot with snakes - big snakes, like pythons.

My dream is to go spend a week on some island with no phone.

What bothers me, I guess, is when I get these messages from girls on Twitter, and they're like, 'God, you're my idol, I really admire you.' It's like, 'Admire me for what? What have I done?' It's not that being in a Burberry campaign, or walking in a Chanel show is nothing. It's just... I know I can do more.

When you model, there's no way you can't notice yourself. Do you know what I mean? Because you're constantly surrounded by people saying, 'Oh, she's too short, she's too skinny, she's this, she's whatever.' And you're right there. They're talking about you, and you're right there.

I love comfort. Comfort is very key to me because I spend most of my time in very uncomfortable things, so it's all about trainers and flats.

That's what I've wanted to do my whole life, just act. When I was younger, I loved to entertain people. I always used to make up dance routines, do little plays. I love to perform, basically.

I had no interest in fashion when I was younger. I was such a tomboy.

The energy you give off is the energy you receive. I really think that, so I'm always myself - jumping, dancing, singing around, trying to cheer everybody up.

I want to make music, I want to act, I want to sing, I want to do something that doesn't make my skin erupt.

I wanted to be a Disney Channel star! I wanted to be Hannah Montana.

I treat the camera like a person - I gaze into it. Photos are a flat thing, and you need to put life into them.

I'm a world class Beat Boxer; you should hear the noises I can make with my mouth.

I like fashion, but I love, love, love music and film; they are my two passions. I would love to pursue my acting and my love of music more than anything.

Working with Mario Testino was a joy. He's very young spirited, and it's always lovely and a pleasure to spend time talking to him about all different things.

I love Christopher Bailey and Burberry, Mulberry for bags, and Hudson for jeans.

I love my legs.

I'm a little quirky, a little offbeat, and I'm certainly not a classic beauty.

The sea can be so beautiful. It stretches from horizon to horizon and goes on forever just like the real true love of a man and a woman for each other.

Beauty is simply reality seen with the eyes of love