"You will tire of your foolishness because I love you and though not completely aware of it, you did say Yes ."

"Service has been defined as Love made manifest . Baba repeatedly asks us to expand our hearts to include all humanity. He tells us that to care only for our own interests and those of our families is a constriction of our heart. Such constriction eventually results in loneliness and unhappiness -- as indeed we can see all around us, for it is the malady of the present age."

"What is the unmistakable mark of a wise man?  It is Love, Love for all humanity."

"My task is the spiritual regeneration of Humanity through Truth and Love."

"I exhort you, Let Truth and Love be the goals for all your efforts and studies."

"Love is meant to be an adventure!!"

"Love is the only force that can erase the differences between people or bridge the chasms of bitterness."

"Love is like the North Star. In a changing world, it's always constant."

"Where there is FAITH, there is LOVE; Where there is LOVE; there is PEACE; Where there is PEACE; there is GOD; Where there is GOD; there is BLISS."

"True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well-being of one's companion."

"Faith in ourselves and faith in God, this is the secret of Greatness, for God is Love."

"The greatest fear man can have is the fear of losing GOD's Love."

"Love knows no fear and so love needs no falsehood to support it."

"If you conduct yourself with peace love and compassion, then you are God."

"Look at the world with the vision of peace, love, and compassion. Then the whole world will appear loving and peaceful."

"Plant the seeds of Love in your hearts. Let them grow into trees of Service and shower the sweet fruit of Ananda. Share the Ananda with all. That is the proper way to celebrate the Birthday."

"Earn the qualifications - holiness, purity faith and universal love - then He will approach you on foot, to console, comfort and save. If you have purity of heart and mastery over the senses, His Grace is your right."

"I love making people laugh and by the way I still do that with the charitable efforts on my part because I believe that people need to laugh."

"Life is a challenge, meet it! Life is a dream, realize it! Life is a game, play it! Life is Love, enjoy it!"

"Love as Action is Right Conduct.  "

"Spiritual discipline grows only in a field fertilized by Love."

"Duty without LOVE is deplorable, duty with LOVE is desirable, LOVE without duty is divine."

"Any incurable disease can be cured through Love."

"Love with no expectation of return."