"Love is what you've been through with somebody"

"I'm glad that I still have the ability to tour in Europe. I do love it."

"Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself, because I love you, yes I do."

"You have to choose whether to love yourself or not."

"And you, too, youthful reader, will realize the Vision (not the idle wish) of your heart, be it base or beautiful, or a mixture of both, for you will always gravitate toward that which you, secretly, most love."

"In the real world, children love me."

"Olympics for me is love, peace, united."

"Love conquers all; let us surrender to Love."

"At last I know what love is really like."

"Love conquers all."

"Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to Love."

"Who can blind lover's eyes?"

"Love is all."

"What I love about New York is just the electricity I feel right away."

"Pain is love."

"... we cannot love or think except in fragments of time each of which goes off along its own trajectory and immediately disappears."

"If the spark doesn't come, that's a pity; but we do not read the classics out of duty or respect, but only out of love."

"I've been in love for five hundred million years…"

"If a lover is wretched who invokes kisses of which he knows not the flavor, a thousand times more wretched is he who has had a taste of the flavor and then had it denied him."

"…we can not love or think except in fragments of time each of which goes along its own trajectory and immediately disappears."

"I love doubt in a woman. It's nearly as sexy as determination."

"When two people were in love you had to leave them to it. Especially when you weren't in love and wished that you were. That could embarrass. That could hurt."

"Love does not exist, it's like religion, the state wants you to believe in that kind of crap so they can control you, and f**k your head up."

"Some people are easier to love when you don't have to be around them."