Touring is real demanding. You swing between sadness and euphoria. But for us to cry about it isn't fair.

If you say 'Domo arigato' to people, they're apt to go, 'Mr. Roboto.'

Anyone in showbiz rock 'n' roll who says they're so tired of playing their hit songs, I want to smack them. I think it's an act. Because, look, you work your tail off to get people to validate you.

If there's a goal, you can't stop me. I'll put my head down. I'll have tunnel vision and I'll go until I get it.

I am what I am. Whatever it was that made me what I am, I thought I should stay around and be that.

I always say, when I play the first few notes and people scream... if you're tired of that, you should try retail. What else are you looking for?

I had worked so hard on three projects 1997 that it knocked the gas out of me. It was a mystery to the medical profession, but you can test positive for Epstein-Barr and not have it. When you get a post-viral syndrome, for some people it causes chronic fatigue or hearing loss. For me it became light sensitivity.

Music was everything. But what the digital revolution has done, with streaming services and downloads, is take the value out of music. When things lose value they lose their meaning.

There are all kinds of pretensions about art, but I'm just a guy who sings for his supper.

It was so much fun to work with the cast on 'School of Rock'. I was a little nervous because it was my first acting gig, but it was such a great experience.

In relationships, I'm usually the one who's like, 'Oh, I don't need this right now. I don't need commitment. I can do well on my own. I'm independent,' and all this stuff, and I realized recently that that was making me really closed off to relationships and just closed off to anyone no matter who they were.

I was in an Uber in Vegas with some friends, and 'Don't Let Me Down' came on. My driver didn't recognize me but started to talk about how much he loved Daya and how he had a crush on her.

Brand-wise, I love Doc Martens, Topshop, All Saints, and Lord & Taylor.

All my friends are usually at festivals... I just have so much adrenaline running, I literally could run a marathon after my shows.

I have four sisters at home, and both my mom and dad worked, and both of them took care of us. It wasn't like my mom was fully domestic, or my dad was fully domestic: they were just equals in their relationship. So I grew up with the perspective that women should be pursuing their dreams and not have to depend on a guy.

I feel like I get all the good parts of college, cause I just college hop on the weekends and party with them, but I don't have to do any of the school part or the work part.

I'm a quarter Indian; my grandfather's originally from New Delhi.

I love having a major label behind me. Independent was really great to start off, as and I made some really big moves and gained a lot of fans.

Girls shouldn't be afraid to look messy. They shouldn't have to always fit in with the pretty girls. Our goal as women is not to impress guys.

I never wanted to be a feature - that was never the goal with my music. I didn't want to just live through other people's work.

I try to share a lot of my life on Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, everything. I really like interacting with fans on Twitter and answering their questions and just getting to know them because it's cool for them to have people who are connecting with my music reach out and show interest.

I like to create something that's unique and kind of true to myself and authentic and everything. I don't really like to mirror myself after different artists.

I'm on the road constantly. I'm a nomad. I don't really have a home right now. I don't identify with one place in particular.

Music was always a huge part of me, but I always did it on the side. I didn't even take any music classes in high school... it was more of an extracurricular thing.