You have to have those times when your hunger and drive is in a different place because you're under pressure to have success.

'Born to Do It' took a kid out of a council estate and put my mum into a home of her own. It changed my whole family's situation, and all from doing something that I loved.

I love all my albums... I use the metaphor they're like my children: some do better than others, but you love them all equally.

When I was 16, I didn't really know what intuition was as a word, even. It's one of those things you experience, but you don't really know what it is.

I aspired to playing at Glastonbury, not just the Camden Palais.

I'm not angry about 'Bo' Selecta!' I was flattered at first and even appeared on his show, but he just went on to become more vicious, knocking down everything I did.

When I write a song, I get the melody right first, and then hopefully I can back it up with a lyric that has to respect the melody.

I always find that, when it comes to writing songs, if the melody and the chords are working, we're 90 per cent there.

I don't know if, in a previous life, I was, like, the embodiment of a guitar, because any time someone plays a guitar with the licks, I just resonate to it.

Me and guitar music is so entwined.

It is cool to be gay, but I am not.

I have enough rings to cover both hands, but that is crass. There is a fine line between looking nice and looking over. Sometimes, I look at myself and say, 'Craig, that is over.' You have to be careful.

It amazes me how quickly you can earn money.

I've done a couple of tunes with Kaytranada. 'Got It Good' has had such a great response.

My thing is, for artists who are having success, being given an award shouldn't be the thing that defines you in the first place.

When I got to the second album, there was an expectation, because we'd sold nearly seven million albums on the first record, that this would do eight or nine.

I've realised that as long as the youth has the ability to use social media, and their voice is there, people can actually cut through the nonsense and see what's really going on.

For any healthy relationship to work, you have to be able have that time to spend with your friends.

There's nothing that I own that really makes me as happy as knowing that the people around me are all good.

What I've learned is that if you stay focused and believe and actually walk the walk, anything is possible.

That's the beauty with music in the digital age: you're always one follow away from experiencing something new.

For me, I have the highest amount of respect for DJs. There's a real skill set and ability to hold a crowd's attention for four to five hours, especially with an R&B/hip-hop and open-format music.

It's lovely to feel part of a community.

When you start to ascertain a physique, you run that thing where you don't want to lose it. It catches you; it's like a hook.