I love songs, so when you're song-based, it doesn't matter which way the production leans.

What I like about Kasabian is that it's melody driven.

Kasabian are wicked. They've got the hit songs, but it's the presence in the performance and the attitude with it that I love.

I wrote a song called 'Four Times A Lady' for Destiny's Child, and it was perfect. But then I had to spin it back and change all the lyrics to a guy's point of view cos I thought the track was too good to give away, heh heh. It's Craig David now.

If I live my life through nostalgia and what I did in the past and expect to be the new kid people have just discovered again, then unfortunately, I'm creating my own demise.

We tend to always want to obtain something new and something more, and we never really enjoy what we have.

When I grew up, I was living on a council estate overlooking a car park for a good 16 years of my life.

I have admiration for beautiful women.

Certain key words, like, 'break it down,' 'this is how we do it' - they'll always end up on my tracks.

If I couldn't sing tomorrow, I'd still write songs cos I'm passionate about that.

It's like a god-given gift that I've actually been able to go out and sing my songs.

I'd love to reach the pinnacle where you just can't wait to get the new album by Craig David.

Getting my mum a house was a really great feeling.

I like buying people little things, not flooding them with money, trying to win them.

I never let anyone know I was insecure about it - it was my own little thing - but I did have a problem being overweight. I always felt people were looking at me in a certain way as opposed to who I really was.

If you're in a good relationship, you should be able to say to your girlfriend, 'That girl walking down the street is great.'

People use the 'love' word too early. When you've got that trust thing locked down, when you've lived together, and you know each other's good and bad qualities inside out, at that moment, you know if you truly love someone.

Jessica Alba's very beautiful; so is Sienna Miller.

You know a date's gone really well when she's happy with nothing fancier than a Big Mac and fries!

I'm a music man.

More than meeting people and going out with girls, I'm focused on my music.

As much as money is important for security, for me, it is worth nothing without music.

Everything around me is surreal. I get picked up in cars and go to celebrity bashes, and I get sponsorship on clothes, and it's great, and I really enjoy it. But you should remember where it all started: the music. That's the key.

When I started writing material, I realised you could take a ballad like Usher's 'Nice and Slow,' sing the same melody over a garage track, and everyone would be up and dancing.