They say it's better to bury your sadness in a graveyard or garden that waits for the spring to wake from its sleep and burst into green.

If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on the wall, I think we'd see the beauty then and stand staring in awe.

I know a girl who cries when she practices violin because each note sounds so pure it just cuts into her, and then the melody comes pouring out her eyes. Now, to me, everything else just sounds like a lie.

When everything is lonely I can be my best friend.

Art is essentially communication. It doesn't exist in a vacuum. That's why people make art, so other people can relate to it.

I really just want to be warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love.

Seriously I just don't get why straight people are so afraid of the fact that gay people can get married.

I have so many incredible fans in Russia, I really badly want to go there.

I am sorry to disappoint you, I'll never compete ever again at the Eurovision.

Winning the Eurovision contest is just a door opener, this is not that you're set for life. Definitely not, don't mistake that, because you really have to work your behind off to sustain in this business.

It is truly unbelievable to actually really know that I have fans all around the world.

It is wonderful but kind of surreal when people turn to me and say they see some kind of an inspiration.

I'm aware of this bearded lady being something that is not really common.

I would love to have the whole world involved and still call it Eurovision.

I'm not a politician, only a singer.

I took to the Eurovision stage as an opportunity to talk to Europe about tolerance and acceptance.

If you are prepared to admit to others and to yourself who you really are, then you can have a fantastic life. Of course, you need to have a thick skin to get through it all.

It was shortly before my 18th birthday when I came out and admitted that I was gay.

When not dressed as Conchita I am a man, and a lazy one at that.

It's obvious for example that when I am Conchita, I use the female toilet, and when I am Tom, the male toilet. I can assure you it's never a problem for women, they love it.

You know, I have a very thick skin.

You can't reduce a country to its tolerance or intolerance.

Maybe I'll never get the Grammy. But maybe I will get things that are worth much, much more than any Grammy which could stand on my shelf.

I always say that my biggest goal is a Grammy, and on the way there I will grab everything that is given.