I definitely want to get more active in the film world. My experiences I've had thus far have been really fun, and I definitely feel my best is yet to come in that world.

A lot of people don't realize that when you're trying to lose weight, or just trying to stay fit, 85 percent of it is what you eat, and 15 percent of it is how you work out.

As an artist, I think it's important to always keep growing, and I definitely want to keep challenging myself.

There was a whole newfound confidence that came over me after having my son.

Usher is amazing. He's perfection to me as a performer. He gets down.

I never understood when people would say, 'I would die for my child,' but you become so selfless.

You have to be super focused when you're boxing. After I've done a few rounds, I feel as if I can conquer the world.

I want to be one of those moms and women that when I look back, I know that I always stayed focused.

My fans have grown up with me and seen my life change over the years, from a young girl with 'Goodies' to a full-grown woman and now mom.

I believe a person's style is an expression of who you are - way more than dancing.

You hear women talk about it all the time, like when you turn thirty, 'That's when it all came together for me, girl.' Honestly, that's what I feel.

It's one thing to really dream and have a vision and want all these cool things, but it's a whole other thing when you actually have wisdom and understand things. Then you can truly make the best decisions.

There's nothing better than when a man is in tune with who he is.

After I had my son, I was like, 'I can conquer the world.' I just delivered a 9 pound, 10 ounce baby. I was walking in my living room like, 'Yeah, the champ is here!' That's how I felt.

I don't see myself beneath Beyonce and Jay Z; I don't see myself above them. I'm in my own world, hungry to grow.

You don't know your child until they get here; you don't know their personality.

I actually have two songs I did with Nicki Minaj. We didn't even plan on doing it that way, but it was an organic connection and just a really solid connection she and I had musically.

I think that when you become a mom... you don't really worry about the small stuff. I'm just way more centered. It makes you focus even more on what your goals are in life.

It becomes obvious when people are sincere in their criticism and when they're not. I've learned over time that people will always have something to say.

I don't want to sound too cocky. But I consider myself superwoman.

Sometimes you get bored of the same moves, but you know that there are those moves that those fans love.

As soon as the doctor said I could start training again, I was on the treadmill the very next day. Once I got back into it, I worked out two or three times daily.

I think it's really cool to embrace the pain of something that may have hurt you and be able to express it through music.

When I was pregnant with Future, one thing I learned quickly was, don't ever let a pregnant lady be hungry, because when I was, I was like the Tasmanian Devil!