Really, I'm trying to retire. It's just nobody will let me!

I never liked miming.

I loved everything about show business, meeting the stars, the whole ambience. I was living every young kid's dream. I was told a pop singer's life was three years, but I was still making money seven years later.

I can't say I'm surprised I was successful. I was determined - and I got it.

I was so ordinary, critics couldn't understand it, but looking back, that was the reason for my success. What you see is what you get. People thought, 'I could do that.'

I always wanted to be a star.

I don't like the selfie because it's too close. There ain't no people with arms long enough to do a selfie of me.

When people ask me do I believe in feminism - well, I didn't even know I was a feminist. I was the top of the bill; I've always been the top of the bill. So I don't know what equality is.

I don't want to see a 70-year-old on television.

I knew I could do anything I wanted to do and go anywhere I wanted to go and not have to worry if I could afford it.

If I'm in a rotten mood, I stay in and watch television.

When I was put up in posh hotels, I thought it was wonderful.

I cannot do business. I cannot sit and say, 'How are you, the weather's great, how's your golf?' I'm like a bull in a china shop.

I give 150%. I'm a professional, a pro.

I can do the PR thing until the cows come home. That's my nature. I never want to upset anybody.

I never thought I'd be on T.V. For me as a kid in Liverpool, it was a more realistic option to be a singer.

'Blind Date' was based on an Australian show called 'Perfect Match', which I first saw when I was on tour there. And I couldn't understand why it wasn't on British T.V.

I don't want to see older people on T.V. I want to see young, pretty people on T.V.

It was an unknown thing, a lot of people had very bad trips and I like to be in control.

The difference with me is that I did inhale.

I did smoke a joint once but I did not enjoy it.

But reality television is here to stay.

I had to do the book because there was an unauthorised biography which didn't tell it like it was.

Nothing is a career move. Everything I've done this year has so not been a career move.