What I do is all about expressing myself, whether it's music or the clothes I wear.

Back in Korea, I'm always in the studio with YG people. I'd be given a song, and I'd cut it.

I have makeup on for such a long time that I need to give my skin a break. And at night, I really get clean when I take all my makeup off.

Love A$AP Rocky. I love his music, and I love his style.

I'm not against being beautiful or sexy or anything, but I have this 'cool' image that I want to keep.

I think it's in my blood: both of my parents are very hard workers and were always working when I was growing up. I love working and what I do.

I have so many gay friends, and I love them so much because they're fun.

Culturally, I'm not 100 percent Korean. I'm very mixed and very open.

I've been a fan of Dave Meyers and his music videos.

Girls in Asia are very obedient, shy, timid, quiet, but I can tell that it's changing, and I want them to be stronger and tell them that it's OK to be different.

I know how important '36 Chambers' is, and it inspired me to record 'Lifted.'

We're into discovering ourselves as 2NE1. Since all four of us are different, we inspire and push each other.

I don't like to box myself into anything, because I also sing and I love to dance; I do everything.

I don't actually like calling myself a rapper. I'm more a performer.

Once you have the money, fame, success or power, it's so easy to maintain that, because all you have to do is play it safe.

I want people all around the globe to know that there are girls in Asia, like me, who like hip-hop and dress uniquely.

I want to represent Asian women.

We just love shopping. I don't look at the brand; I don't look at the most pricey outfit. Even if it's a dollar, I don't care.

I'm a tomboy, and my style is punk.

My eyeliner is part of my face. There are elements that I'll change here and there, but my eyeliner, with little wings, that never changes.

I don't cry often.

I love Karl Lagerfield. Riccardo Tisci - I love his work.

Some people want to tell me what's right for me, and I have to stick up for myself all of the time.

With 2NE1, it's not personal because it's not only about me; it's about all the members. We're more about influencing the world.