Having a biopic made is very flattering.

There's a whole generation out there who don't know that I was a pop singer in the early days.

I just thank God when I wake up every day.

I don't see why I should be a dame for just doing what I always wanted to do.

You see on 'Britain's Got Talent' and 'X Factor,' they all wear ear plugs. But I could not hear myself when I wore them. So that is where the strong voice came from.

Back when I was helping put the swing into the swinging '60s, I used to hang out with Cathy McGowan. We'd be doing 'Ready Steady Go!' on T.V., and Biba used to make our dresses. We'd be in the flat in Cromwell Road on Friday night, just before the live show, and they'd still be sewing.

There's nothing going into my mouth that's not wrapped.

My idea of baking is buying a ready-make cake mix and throwing in an egg.

I'm very quiet off stage.

I love cookery programmes.

You couldn't give me any more confidence than when I was on T.V. because I was in control, but I wasn't in control in my private life.

I'm quite subdued, believe it or not. I switch it on for the camera.

I intend to grow old very disgracefully.

Who wouldn't fancy Brian Epstein? He was tall and handsome and had money and class.

Anything which interferes with my social life is a no-no.

In the Sixties, you needed talent to make it.

I helped make the Sixties swing, and I'm very proud of that.

It's no fun getting older. I might be wearing beautiful diamond earrings, but they can't take away the pain of losing my hearing.

I'm a 'never say never' girl. Frank Sinatra retired four times. He kept coming back. But there are people in our business who want to die on stage. Literally. I don't want to do that.

It is when I am on stage that I feel most comfortable. It is my home. It is the only thing I have known since I was a kid.

It's a business, and I'm a product. Terrible, isn't it?

I always believed I would be a star.

I rarely stay in hotels because I have friends all over the world.

After Fergie and Prince Andrew honeymooned at Le Touessrok in Mauritius, Bobby, my late husband, and I were first to stay in their suite. We enjoyed the benefits - all the spoils and the special luxuries. We practically had our own private beach, and it was most romantic.