I do an hour's yoga and go running every day. Then I see a picture of myself and I still look like a skinny, potbellied idiot - and I thought I had turned into this superhunk!

I think shareholders are the great evil of this modern world.

There's a reason why people who've had bad relationships with their parents listen to angry stuff.

I do worry - a lot.

You can never say you're big - I don't think you can ever take anything like that for granted.

Being such a big band is never a problem but it can be distracting.

I never talk about my wife: we're both in public professions but we try to keep our private life private.

I know being on a major label is meant to be antiquated, but we're fine with it.

I could be walking down the street one minute and get a handshake and then get spat on the next. I'm never sure whether to wear gloves or a helmet.

I've had tinnitus for about ten years, and since I started protecting my ears it hasn't got any worse - touch wood.

Looking after your ears is unfortunately something you don't think about until there's a problem.

Even though the album is an endangered species, can we try and make a coherent and good one, even if it's like making a horse and cart at a Nascar conference?

When you're on your fifth album, you are going to be judged against all your previous work and expectations.

I think we're a band with a lot of history now so it's nice to come up with something that doesn't have any history at all.

Before our albums are released I feel like we still own it, that we have control over our music. But once it's out there in the world it's no longer ours.

I think it's part of being English, particularly if you are middle-class - you're always looking to be reminded that you are no good and you are always actually embarrassed about being successful.

A band's only unique thing is its chemistry, especially if none of you are prodigious players or particularly handsome. The one thing you have is your uniqueness, so we hold on to that.

Well, I don't like the word 'rock star,' the two words, 'rock star.' Not even 'soft rock star. Not even limestone star. I don't like those words.

The goal is to try and make the perfect song. Which of course will never happen.

Celebrity culture has gone crazy, and I think the reason is that real news is just not bearable, and it also seems impossible to change anything.

Record sales don't really mean anything. For us, the pressure is imagining some 15-year-old kid in Cincinnati who buys our album and doesn't feel like he wasted his pocket money.

I always dream about other musicians. And they're never interested in hanging out with us. It's like being at school and the bigger boys don't want to play with you!

Anyone who criticises me for talking about fair trade is a few pebbles short of a beach. Because everyone should care about it, just like everyone should care about the environment, because we all live here.

Rihanna has this thick tone, so it's very hard to annoy anybody. It's like a beautifully squeezed tube of toothpaste.