I just want to make the best music of all time with my best friends.

My philosophy at the moment is that I'm great - and so is everybody else. You have to fit your own oxygen mask. That's really my philosophy now: our band is the best band in the world. And so are all the other bands.

Coldplay fans are the best in the world. If you like Coldplay then you're obviously very intelligent and good looking and all-around brilliant.

We rely more on enthusiasm than actual skill. Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically and people will like it more.

I don't mind not being cool.

My wife and I are rock solid together and, curiously enough, always have been.

Quite simply, to win Miss World is not a ticket to millions and I've read that so many times.

I'm very good to my wife. I never go home.

I know journalists like to think that they are read by people like me, but I don't read them.

Most years, I do 70 or 80 concerts.

If you love yourself there's plenty left for everyone else. You just have to deflect natsy things.

A lot of people think they can become world stars overnight.

I was born in Argentina, and have lived in England, Ireland, Africa and Malta.

My secondary schooling was at Marlborough College, Wiltshire, so I'm fond of that part of the world. It's quintessentially English, with village greens, pubs and cricket pitches, and resonates strongly with me.

I've been to Australia, Russia and many of places I wanted to see as a child. But I've never visited India. I've had many invitations to play there but it hasn't worked out. People say it's beautiful, but I think I'd react badly to the poverty.

I'm a strong believer in the importance of energies - ley lines, energy streams, whatever you wish to call them - within a house. They can affect your health as well as your happiness.

Music was my first love, and at Marlborough we put bands together and sang the pop songs of the day. Although I couldn't read or write music - I still can't - I taught myself to play the guitar and piano by listening to songs and working out the chords.

The relationship between parents and children who live together is a growing one, and it shifts every day, especially during the teenage years.

I made loads of English and Irish friends at university and all they wanted to do was have a good time.

After university, I set out to see if I could make a career in music. It was a tough journey at first, but by the time I was 23 I'd been signed by A&M Records.

I'm not a great meat eater - I eat it twice a week. But I can't stand fish - my mother says it's because I got a fish bone stuck in my throat when I was little.

Vanity is not high on my list of priorities.

I regularly visualise my body from head to toe, and wait for it to tell me if there's anything wrong.

In my 20s, I got into giving people massages and realised I was able to encourage their bodies to heal by passing my hands over them. I'd never describe myself as a faith healer - it's just that if someone believes in this type of healing, I can help release whatever blockage it is that's preventing them healing themselves.