What's the essence of the Go-Go's? Great melodies, guitar hooks, driving drums. All of that.

There's been way too much talk about all our problems.

Going to rehearsals was too depressing, and missing rehearsals was also depressing, so it was like a vicious circle.

Personally speaking, I think the Beatles were our biggest influence.

We struggled for years before we got that record deal. It was tough because we were girls. People were slamming doors in our faces for years.

We were naive in a lot of ways, but that was part of the charm. We were very young.

We thought we'd last forever. Then, of course, we didn't, and that was shocking.

We're not trying to impress anybody. We're not trying to change anybody's mind. We're just out there playing, and it's something we love.

We say, 'Wow, look at Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones. Their clothes were always so cool.' Maybe not Mick Jagger when he wore Spandex in the '80s.

We're definitely hanging up the touring shoes but we'll do other things. We'll do an odd gig here and there but going out and actually touring for a month or two, we're not doing that anymore.

The energy between all the girls - we were hysterical together. That energy could go really bad and it could be so hateful and horrible, and then it could go really good and we'd write really good songs.

We were pretty crappy in the beginning. We really didn't sound that great.

When you're on stage and you got a great audience, that makes the show that much better for the band.

All I can say, being young people being in a band, writing songs that we felt were great... we never felt that years later we'd be selling out shows.

I wrote 'We Got the Beat,' which is a fun song, and people equate us with fun, but there's so much more to us than that.

Ah, it's awesome learning about theater, but it's a completely different musical landscape from rock and roll.

We all came to the conclusion that we have an undeniable chemistry musically, that we might not ever find again. The mix of friction and camaraderie channels good songs, performances and laughs.

If we would have had clear brains to take a break, instead of breaking up, we would have left room for balance in our lives.

We would rent this old van and drive anywhere we could get in 10-to-12 hours. We scraped by with little money, but there's a lot to be said for those days. We were naive, but there was no pressure and a lot of freedom.

Actually going on tour is like the break in the year that I go away and do something different and come back.

The '80s, no matter what kind of wacky fashion or whatever else that went on in the '80s, the songs that came out of it, there was really great songwriting, in my opinion.

We are just a rock and pop band, that's what we are. And I believe we recorded the records to feature the songs rather than it being a giant production.

The spirit of the Go-Go's is fun.

We would go to photo sessions and it was just the most ridiculous stuff. It was like, 'Here, lick on these lollipops.' And we're like, 'What?!' It was horrifying. But we would laugh.