I can't really speak on her policies, but I feel a certain connection to Hillary Clinton that's just not there with Donald Trump.

I'm a big Rick Ross fan, and I think everybody knows I'm a big Kanye fan.

I'm a big R&B guy. I'm a huge R. Kelly fan.

I love theater, and I've always been a huge movie buff.

I don't want to say this in a lame way, but D. Rose is one of my heroes. His whole story and background and what he's done for communities in Chicago is super inspiring.

I would largely attribute my identity - as it relates to music labels and corporate music giants - to Dave Chappelle and his relationship to and firm standing in Hollywood.

I want to travel overseas and help out people all over the world.

I want to be more involved outside just my community of Chicago.

You can love somebody through anything when they're your child, and now that I understand that, it makes me work better with people; it makes me more understanding of how much dedication and love I can put into each line. There's no throwaway lines.

I didn't know love until I had my daughter. I didn't know its bounds.

I still think that God means everything to everyone, whether they understand it or not or can see for themselves.

I know for a fact that we're not pushed or promoted to speak about God with fervor.

I just get sick very easily.

I just need to take better care of myself. I try to push it as far as I can.

I don't think I ever wanted to be like Kanye in personality. I think I definitely want to, have always wanted to, have his boldness or assurance in myself.

I go broke a lot... I go broke a lot because I have this understanding that whatever I put out there, if I really am doing what's right, it's going to be rewarding, you know?

I always wanted to be more of a person that people enjoy. Somebody that will make you laugh. I'm talking about just my personality, not necessarily how my music sounds.

I've always been able to defend Kanye.

I had already been making music for my whole high school life, and '10 Day,' which took me a whole year to finish, was about working with a lot of different producers and learning all of the aspects about being a rapper, from shows to recording to studio etiquette to marketing.

My parents always wanted me to go to college.

My parents are super cheap.

Every song on '10 Day' is a completely different sound - the cadence, the flow, even the production - because I like so many different types of music and because my taste is so refined. 'Acid Rap' is another tape where every song sounds different.

I would say almost 60 percent of working with Kanye - let's say 53 percent of working with Kanye - is speeches.

I don't see myself ever being in a position where I need to sign to a label.