Taylor Swift is just dope. She is an ill songwriter.

It wasn't until I left that I realised it's not weird to grow up in certain cities and, by the age of 27 or 28, for all of your friends to still be alive. I can think of a lot of kids that I knew in Chicago who were supposed to grow up but didn't.

Music can kind of make you one-dimensional. People see what's on the surface and what you rap about, and they make their decision on who you are from there.

I'm light skinned, and I used to lean on that because that's something a lot of black people pride themselves on, and it's weird.

When you make stuff from the 'you' point of view, you really can't go wrong.

Anything is respectable in its own realm.

I make my money off of touring and merchandise. And I'm lucky I have really loyal fans that understand how it works and support.

When you become a parent, you start loving diapers.

When you're a Chicago artist, to play Lollapalooza, that's not a normal thing. It's artists on a path to a certain place that do that. Chief Keef did it; Kids These Days did it; Cool Kids did it. And I'm the next Cool-Kids-Chief, if you will.

I remember sitting on the back of the bus on the first day of the Social Experiment tour with my face in my hands. I emptied out my bank account, and before I did that tour, that was the number one thing I said I'd never do. I'll never empty out my savings.

There's so much positivity in the world and your day-to-day life that to go as far as to say that you hate something or you wish it didn't exist and all the bad things in the world happen to you and only you, it's a joke. It's not real to have that much hate in your heart.

Everything you write as an artist is about your legacy and your catalog and how you would look in a museum.

I feel like LeBron James is an amazing basketball player, but he's also a community person.

Something I try to instill in others is to just be a good person. It's a decision you make a million times a day. But if you just keep trying, good stuff comes to you in an ordained way.

I feel like, at a certain point in life, I'd like to be the type of man that gets married and has more serious relationships.

I am scared of death.

When I found Freestyle Fellowship, I started getting into the construction of rap. You get better at it the more you do it; you figure out the science and the math behind it.

The problem is that my generation was pacified into believing that racism existed only in our history books.

My favorite artist in the world is Michael Jackson, and he revolutionized the music video aspect of music.

I've come to understand that art is awesome and beautiful because it's a reflection of life - but it's just a reflection, and the real thing is my daughter.

There's a hunger in me that always wants to be creating and orating, telling people something and giving them information and getting feedback. There are so many questions that I'm trying to ask, and I'm still so far from being done saying what I gotta say.

I'm a good man, and I'm gonna become a better man.

I hate eating vegetables. The only vegetables I eat are lettuce on a burger.

Colorism and racism don't stop when you're a musician or when you have wealth or when you're in any given position.