When you release a single like 'My Friends Over You,' people just think you have one kind of song.

I realized music is the most important thing to me and I love writing songs, and I think I had more to say in life.

We think of the Warped Tour as kind of like everyone's big birthday party.

We walk around Warped Tour all the time and I swear to you, kids are like, 'Hey, that looks like the guy from New Found Glory.'

The band will always be our number one, and I don't see it ever stopping. We love playing, so why would we want to stop?

The scene in South Florida when we were growing up, it wasn't divided. It wasn't different scenes. If you played loud or crazy music, you were on the same show.

We don't change with the times because we write from the heart. We don't need to change our image to sell records because that's not why we do this.

When we started playing our music, there weren't really many bigger punk bands. We wrote for ourselves. We weren't expecting to get a record deal or get on the radio.

So if radio flops, and MTV flops and everything flops, it doesn't matter, as long as we're still playing and kids are coming to our shows.

I swear, all we ever wanted to do was tour outside of Florida.

When we started, our style of music wasn't on MTV. It wasn't cool, and it wasn't popular. The only bands who were even kind of similar were Blink-182 and Green Day. But we don't sound like those bands, even if people throw us in that category now.

I think one thing that's amazing about 'Resurrection' is that we weren't afraid to lay it all out there lyrically.

When we first came out it was this happy accident, and I was sort of into hardcore at the time. Jordan our singer was really into Jawbreaker and a lot of indie rock bands and old Dischord bands, and sort of like more of the indie side of music. Our bass player was really into West Coast punk.

I really feel like New Found Glory created a subgenre.

We first wrote the song 'Resurrection,' and it felt perfect for the album title. Through resurrection, most things come back better and stronger, and you learn a lot.

It doesn't matter what people want to say on message boards, know what I mean? I don't pay attention to that stuff.

Most punk rock bands just have a guitar, bass and drums. The Descendents, the Ramones, you name 'em, it's just how it's always been.

I was on a cruise with my grandma when I was a kid. I remember winning $10 on the slot machine.

We played some of our first big shows at Wayne Firehouse and Manville Elks Lodge. New Jersey's always been our home away from home.

I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs, so those are the values I live by.

Nowadays, people get tattoos so easily, to look cool and only for fashion.

I travel for theme parks.

Hazen Street knew I wasn't going to be able to be in the band once it got started. It was fun to be a part of, but New Found Glory is my full-time thing.

It's nice to have fans who want and need our music.