The reason Joy Division and New Order are as influential and successful as they are is because of the unique playing of all the individuals.

Knowing very little about a band only adds to the allure.

Sarcasm is a Manchester trait.

Democracy for us tends to be has to do with who shouts the loudest!

A poetic, sensitive, tortured soul, the Ian Curtis of the myth - he was definitely that.

New Order never celebrated anything to do with Joy Division.

Madonna's like a black widow spider. She tends to use people, then they shrivel up and disappear.

'Love Will Tear Us Apart' is very simply written.

There are seven songs finished and on par with any that are on Siren's.

It was nice doing my own Joy Division book to be able to put forward the fact that Ian was actually quite a nice guy and very hardworking, ambitious and loyal. But the thing was, he was battling such a dreadful illness in an era when they really didn't know how to treat it.

Bass players are always the underdogs of the band, but I made sure that I was never viewed as one. I went out of my way to steal as much limelight as I could.

What was punk all about? To me, it was if you really want to do something, go ahead and do it.

I am man enough to be able to admit my own mistakes. I think that is an important trait to have.

America stopped making vinyl and phased out the single but Germany held out and refused. Warner's never phased out vinyl in Germany. Now America imports it!

There are so many bootlegged Joy Division/Martin Hannett tapes, a lot of really bad bootlegs on the Internet.

When I started DJing years ago, I took great delight in annoying the audience. Playing Johnny Cash in the middle of a banging night.

Over the years, Joy Division has become a huge part of music culture.

You look at 30 Seconds to Mars, and you don't think, 'Ooh, I bet they're angry.' No one really does anger these days. I suppose it's a turn-off.

To be in one band that changed the world musically is pretty good, but to be in two bands that changed the world musically, that's amazing.

I am always working on new material with my production partner Phil Murphy in our guise as Man Ray; we do a lot of soundtrack work & some great collaborations.

Yeah, I still feel as if I have things to do really. I'm not ready to stop.

I'm not a good flyer. Because I do it so much, I think the odds of something going wrong are not in my favour.

What I've learned is that life is a balance between idealism and realism.

I think people expect mud at festivals, I think you'd be asking for your money back if you didn't get it.