I tend to deal with things in a very serious manner.

Usually, when I'm having a good time, I don't think about it that much. I tend to become more reflective or introspective.

I find the idea of doing what you do over and over again to be incredibly boring.

Most of us, whether we like it or not, we grow up and start having a different view of what we've done and who we are and where we're going.

There are a lot of cases where I'm using, if not an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar more as a rhythm instrument. Rather than blasting away, I use it to create more of an acoustic feel.

But I don't let my bad feelings rule my life. I acknowledge them because I can't pretend they aren't there.

Don't Say No' was the first album I'd done that I felt completely comfortable with.

Success hasn't changed me at all. I'm still the same cocky, arrogant guy I've always been. The only difference now is that I'm busy all the time.

It would be easier to be more mysterious, but I try to be accessible.

It's very important for me to try to get to the people. I'm not shy. It's nice to give the fans a little extra, to let them inside.

Studio work is very methodical, while live concerts must be very spontaneous.

My music has been called heavy metal, but that's not an accurate description. I'd rather call it articulate rock because it expresses many feelings and emotions.

When I was a kid, I was interested in folk music. But rock represented power, and I became the best rock guitarist in my school.

My parents are proud of me now. However, when I first became involved with rock music, they were afraid.

I'm not a poet. So the writing process is a difficult one for me.

I don't like pictures of me showing my hair sticking up in back.

Seeing a young band, seeing that hunger and the raw spontaneity, is good for me. It keeps me young, so to speak.

I don't know if anyone necessarily looks at themselves and what they do as being terribly significant one way or another.

It certainly is a positive thing… having a trademark.

I used to be a big arena person. I thought more people equaled more intensity, but smaller places are a lot more intimate, I feel more connected with the audience.

Singing is the form I've chosen to express myself. It's the way I emote best.

I started as a guitarist and couldn't find a decent singer, so I started providing my own vocals.

I support a lot of causes, but I do it privately. My profession shouldn't be a platform.

For me, music is just one road. I dont have a specific pursuit; generally. I just try to be more aware of myself.