We came from a small village and there is no music business there.

I think politics are a personal thing, and everybody has a right to their own opinion.

I believe that it's important to not just shy away from confrontation.

Somehow, German just vanished at some point. We already started at an early stage to translate our albums, and at some point, we started to write only in English.

We've given up the idea that a guitar must always and everywhere be readily available just because we're a band.

Of course, our roots are in Germany, it always will be the feeling of home.

For me, it was pretty hard to go into the studio and sing English for the first time, because I always sung in German, and we've been making music for seven years and it's always been in German.

In America, we see a fan and it is like, 'Oh, we are proud! We have a fan in America!'

It's really hard to get fans in another country, especially here, because America is so, so big, so it's really hard to get known in this country.

I always longed to have someone who would just be there for me. Of course I have Tom. I'm extremely happy that we're brothers. I wouldn't be able to work as a solo artist.

We were the leaders of a company at the age of 15 with lawyers, tax advisers and managers around us, all on our payroll. A huge chunk of responsibility rested on our shoulders, which at the same time was a good thing since we hate superiors.

You don't want other people to tell you what to do your whole life. And if you feel like shaving your hair off, then you just do it.

We are protective towards our family and friends, just like anyone else is.

It's kind of a dream to play a vampire in a movie.

In my opinion, love is not about gender, it's not about religion. Love has no borders and no boundaries.

For me, love is such a beautiful thing and I love that you actually have no control over it.

When we first came out with our music, the gay question was always there and it was super important for everyone. But for me it was amusing.

When I was 13 I would come to school with makeup and nail polish and I had teachers who would say, 'We can't teach you and you're not allowed in class.'

If you have people who hate you, you will probably also have ones who will love you.

The more people were telling me that I couldn't come to school with make-up on my eyes, the next day I would just make my eyes even darker, and with black hair.

I looked at the photos at the VMAs and my hair was the most. That was a time when we were the most extreme - like, I totally looked like Cher. And it always took, like, two bottles of hairspray every morning. Yeah, we've definitely changed a lot. But I love that we have that history, and I enjoy looking back.

Well, I think when one has got beliefs and expresses and communicates them then one also radiates some kind of freedom that some people might not dare having.

Well, in the beginning Tom and I were running around in identical things until we were six or seven years old, I think. We were wearing the same clothes.

I've had cysts on my vocal chords.