I want true love, because I don't have so much time, and I want to spend my time with the right girl.

I really want to have a soul mate.

I don't have 'famous girls' that I like.

Circus with animal shows should be forbidden, there are enough other thrilling options.

In Germany, we do not have Halloween, which is a shame.

I think it would be so cool to meet Rihanna, 'cause she's so sexy.

We are nervous before every concert. I think we are the most nervous band in the world.

I got my first piercing at the age of 13, my first tattoo at the age of 15.

'Ready, Set, Go' is kind of our story. It's about going for your dream and not being afraid to start a new life.

Every song has a strong connection to us.

I saw a concert with Nena singing '99 Red Balloons' on TV and I said, 'I will also go onstage and sing.'

In Europe we play big concerts, but in America it's so cool to see all the people - and all the girls.

You obviously learn each time you go on tour, with each concert, with each song, from all your mistakes. But everything we did was authentic.

I find it hard to write really cool texts in German. At some point I had the feeling that it didn't work for me any more. So I'd rather not write any German songs at all than write uncool ones.

There's so many German songs which are really popular in Germany that I find really bad. It can quickly border on kitsch pop.

I wouldn't exclude writing another song in German, but I don't want to translate songs anymore. We used to sit down and literally translate every song word for word - it was very technical, and the songs would lose so much along the way.

I never had any singing lessons.

When I film my music videos, I always try to fulfill a part of my dream of being a filmmaker.

I never saw myself as the classic singer/songwriter who sticks to his guitar.

When I'm happy and everything's great, I'm not creative at all.

I'm always better when I'm not doing well, that's when I write good songs.

I never had a role model or something.

In the beginning, for the first English record it was really hard for me because I'm a perfectionist and I really wanted it to sound natural and not like a German who tries to sing in English.

Just try to do things you love and I think then it's always good. If you like what you do then it's fine.