It's a simple formula for me now, I don't play any song I don't want to play.

In our lives in a lot of ways it's all about fake. You've got people wanting things for fake reasons.

You've got to be ready to be in a great relationship.

I still believe in my country.

I've seen foreigners really shift on their view of America, and that's hard for me to take.

Injuries are nothing to be ashamed about.

I had concussions as a kid playing football and basketball, and know what it feels like and to have someone say 'Just rub some dirt on it, and get back in there.'

The funny thing about me that most people never really understand is that, at heart, I'm really a jock.

I'm viewed as this weird, crippled character. But you got to take your lumps.

The deeper I get into my life as a musician, I'm discovering that it becomes less and less about other people, and more about what I want to do. And that's a good place to be.

In the beginning, though, I have to admit that I did have a chip on my shoulder. I did want to prove everyone wrong. But after I went through the process and came out the other side, it wasn't about anyone else.

I'll come in with a string of riffs and direct the musical ideas. But you still need a band and their input to make the ideas come alive. You can't underestimate band chemistry.

I'm definitely responsible for coming in with some basic chord changes, or ideas. Everybody in the band looks to me to come up with the basic seed, so it's not very productive to come in with nothing.

I feel like I'm always fighting not to repeat myself.

My version, of course, is not this flag-waving, let's all get on the Jesus train and ride out of hell. I'm not that kind of guy. It's an embrace that life is good, worth living and yeah, it's not easy, but there are more pluses than minuses.

I didn't find Jesus. He's been there the whole time.

I was raised a Christian, but I wouldn't call myself a Christian now. I think when I was younger it was easier to focus on the negative, nihilist vision... this is sort of picking up on the other half of the body, which is God and white light.

For someone who's had the level of success I've had, there's been very little critical review of my work, which is pretty fascinating.

There's a difference between being a poseur and being someone who's so emotionally challenged they're kind of just doing their best to show you what they've got.

If I have resistance to something, it means there's something wrong. The resistance to me is a sign of fear.

I walked away from going to church when I was 8. I didn't set foot in another church until I was 28.

I was brought up Roman Catholic. I'm not even baptized.

I don't have to play by these rules or do these things... I can actually have my own kind of version.

I've always been spiritual but I've never had a proper context, and it took me awhile to find the proper context. It's hard to realize you can have any kind of relationship with God you want... and so I now have a punk rock relationship with God.