I hated sunsets for a long time.

I was just a kid. I had nothing to my name but I was still happy. But I was also given a chance to pursue my dreams, have an education.

I had poor eyesight when I was young and despite that, I was making good grades.

I've been building classrooms for children. Computer labs for kids. It's such a huge problem and so many children just aren't given a chance in life.

If there's a Filipino flag waving, will.i.am whispers to me, ‘Filipinos are over there!' And then I wave towards that direction.

I've started my own record label - Jeepney Music - and I want to put out my own stuff and also stuff by other Filipino artists.

It is really important for me to help my culture.

When I see the discrepancy between kids in the Philippines and the U.S., I feel like I have to give them an opportunity.

Coming from the Philippines to the U.S. did shape me in that it gave me perseverance.

DJing is one of my hobbies.

I don't think people are going to talk in the future. They're going to communicate through eye contact, body language, emojis, signs.

Do I worry about being in the public eye and raising kids? Yeah. Any situation you're in, you're gonna worry about raising kids. But it's champagne problems, too. There are people who can't feed their kids.

I definitely think, generally, rap is misogynistic.

I definitely think, generally, rap is misogynistic.

Blacks, especially in America, have been raised with a slave mentality - they don't feel that they have the right to speak as loud as possible.

My doorman is more important to me than any head of any company. He keeps us safe.

Art is to be free. Design is to fix.

I dislike the concept of 'chic' being the highest compliment for a human being. I'd rather someone be nice than to be chic.

I'm a human being. I've got opinions, I'm not always right, I'm not always on time, I don't always say things in the proper way, but my intentions are always extremely pure.

I'm really bad with answering questions. Usually, I don't even answer them. I try to find inspiration inside of the question. I think, and I jump from one beam of inspiration or energy to the next, as opposed to explaining the energy.

I didn't know the term 'synesthesia' until I was working on 'Cruel Summer.' Halfway into writing that, I really understood that, my entire life, I had been trying to describe this condition of mine: through painting, through this seven-screen Surround Vision film we shot in Qatar, through all these things.

I love being American, and I love family. I love having a family, and I feel so blessed, and I feel like God gave me exactly what I wanted, so now I have to do the right thing in God's eyes also. Just follow what God wants me to do.

You know what should be banned? Stuff that's whack. The world is controversial. The world is classist. The world is racist.

I know how to swim through backlash. I can tread water through backlash... If anything, that's all giving me power.