We wanted to make music to fit with the way we live and celebrate life.

Coming from the Philippines, my whole goal was to support my family and have a better living situation.

I would take the jeepney all the way to Angeles City, and that's how I got introduced to break dancing.

I'm proud of who I am, where I came from, what I was born into, and I would represent that till I die.

There are many tremendous artists that never make it. Talent is not enough if no one sees, hears and tastes your work.

Be authentic about what you produce and there will always be an audience.

I have been a product and a beneficiary of the creative industry.

Filipinos are naturally creative and artistic.

Building virtual classrooms was the brainchild of Charity Dreams. So many people play games online, it's a huge business - and so harnessing the power of the Charity Dreams community to help build classrooms just made a lot of sense.

There is some gangsta music I like, like Biggie Smalls - he reminds me of Slick Rick -doing the same thing, but he did it in a really artistic way.

Our stuff is more about being positive, but not in a preachy way.

Someday' talks about a dream of mine.

There's the fine line between presenting your culture and learning about other cultures so it becomes global.

I want to encourage Filipino artists to be original, write your own songs and don't be afraid to go outside the box and try new things.

Music gave me that neutral lane to relate with everyone.

Growing up, I've always kinda been into academics.

I wanted to be an engineer or a nurse.

My friends, they can't beat me in pool or bowling.

Music is common language. I can sing ‘Bebot' in front of white people and they will dance.

Queen Latifah once came up to me and said ‘Bebot' was her favorite song. She said, ‘I don't know what you're talking about, but it feels dope!'

I can do somersaults and back flips.

But when I discovered music, I knew that that's what I wanted to do in my life and I just jumped in all the way and pursued my dreams as a musician.

We want to show people in the U.S. and Europe that hey, here in Southeast Asia, we have so much artists brimming with talent and so deserving. We needed to tap into that so that the West can take notice and sign them up, too.

All my life, I believe in overcoming challenges.