Music is sunshine. Like sunshine, music is a powerful force that can instantly and almost chemically change your entire mood. Music gives us new energy and a stronger sense of purpose.

I'm not an idealist. I know we're not going to be living in a world that's peace and love all the time. But we can live in a world where we kill each other a lot less.

Like sunshine, music is a powerful force that can instantly and almost chemically change your entire mood.

I've always found that the poorer the places that I go, the more smiles I see, and the more happiness I see.

History shows that Americans believe in doing the right thing.

Today we are in a war against war - music is our power.

We have a saying in my house, my kids and my girlfriend. We say, 'Be your best for the greater good, and rock out wherever you are.'

We can bomb the world to pieces, but we can't bomb it into peace.

My parents said sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you. But I always felt a sense of exhilaration after a fight; it was the names that really hurt me.

The world can't have a global solution to climate change with U.S. action alone; and the world can't have a global solution without U.S. action.

Jamaica's a country of great dichotomy. On the one hand you have a tourist industry with great beaches and resorts, but on the other you have such great poverty and the violence that goes along with that.

Bonnaroo has kind of become the granddaddy of all American festivals. The thing I love about it most is that it wasn't born out of picking the top ten bands off the Billboard chart and creating a festival around it.

The music industry has been hijacked by corporate interests, but the way music affects people and resonates with them hasn't changed.

It really is a strange time we're living in, when saying 'Don't kill people' is considered a radical point of view.

My mother birthed three children and she adopted myself and another African-American son. My adoptive parents were Finnish. I grew up in a white picket neighborhood.

The U.S. has historically been the world's largest contributor to climate change.

Johnny Cash was a rebel, not only just in the musical sense, but he was somebody who was for the people, and an advocate for labor, for workers, for prisoners, people who have been trapped by the criminal justice system.

I always identified with that feeling of being an underdog. So I always was looking to connect with and meet people from other cultures, to experience people living a different life that I am.

I think that fear comes about when there's things in the world that we want to change, things we're scared or angry about, and we can't change them, and so we become fearful; we develop anxiety.

I don't know if it's so grand that I can change the entire world, but I know that I can help one person. So that's the goal.

People underestimate the hip-hop audience and the capacity to understand politics when it's part of music.

Everyone deserves music.

Through music I either tame my demons or unleash them and allow them to be what they are. I don't want the music to be about provocation, I want the music to bring you to a place where you feel at home.

I don't know if music can change the world overnight but I know that music can help someone make it through a difficult night.