It is one thing to record an album but it's a huge difference when people play it and listen to it and embrace it the way that I do. It has always been my dream to get my music out to the world and have people hear it.

My musical taste and image is going to change naturally. It's not forced; I do what comes natural to me. Sometimes, I like to be dark... other times, I like to be really light and ladylike.

It's easy to make an album full of great songs. But I want people to go for the ride. The songs have to make sense together.

I love making music. That's what I love to do. So I don't feel like there's any need to take a break unless I want to.

I love singing. I love it, and it doesn't feel like a chore. It's an expression.

Making music is like shopping for me. Every song is like a new pair of shoes.

I find that when I get on stage now, I don't want to perform a lot of my songs because they don't feel like me. So I want to make songs that are timeless.

Music helps me tell my story. That's where I can really be heard. But there's so much focus on the things that aren't music.

I love music.

I'd love to do my own music for sure. I'd love to have a band.

Dancing allows me to go away and not have to think of what I'm doing next.

One of my favorite album covers is Miguel's 'Wildheart.'

I have a pretty healthy perspective on what my past music was.

I'm not the best singer - like, I know I'm not Celine Dion.

I don't wash my hair every day, which may sound gross, but it's actually really bad for my hair.

For me, my music is fun. I don't really take my music that serious.

In a sense, I'm always hearing music of some sort, whether it's people talking or surface noise or whatever, because there is no privacy. So when I'm by myself, I just kind of like to be and reflect, and I can't do that when I'm listening to music. Because it's someone else's reflections, not mine.

When you're making music or playing a song, I find the moments when there are no instruments being played even stronger than when they are being played. Because they add tension. It's also an ego-less thing - a place where you have no ego - when you're with a bunch of musicians who stop and listen instead.

I've always been incredibly lucky that the music that I make, other people like it.

When I sing, it's just... comfort is a stupid word, but it is.

And music has always been incredibly cathartic for me, whether it's writing my own stuff or singing other people's music; it's very freeing.

Running is very rhythmic, and I have written a lot of lyrics while out running. It's a very musical exercise, and sometimes I like to sing when I run. Your whole body is doing the same thing.

I sort of feel like music saved my life when I was young. This is the one thing that I knew I was good at.

I'm not a media darling. I'm not on the cover of all these magazines. I just quietly do my thing.