Phil Rudd from AC/DC was someone I really liked a lot... Not because I was dazzled by his playing ability - he was just a rock, y'know?

The drums are about gravity. Your hand naturally falls down on the drums as you hit them.

The New York Dolls are the only band that we grew up on that we haven't played with.

Whatever we do as a band, none of us can do as individuals. We all know that, whatever we have gone through with each other and as a band.

There was no way we were going to let this band hobble around on three legs. We chose the route that every professional actor, athlete and musician should do - leave the legend intact and bow out at the top.

Of course drums weren't meant to be played other than sitting on the ground. When you're upside-down, your feet don't want to sit on the pedals.

I'm constantly evolving as a musician.

Drums isn't my one thing anymore. I love to produce. I love to make tracks, write tracks, produce tracks, and I can't just sit back as a drummer anymore.

Our music will continue to have an impact in people's lives long after we finally call it quits.

It's always interesting to me that we all hear music differently. It's an awesome experience to hear what other people hear.

Most drummers are covered with a million drums, and everyone is like, 'What are you doing back there?'

One of my favorite things in the world is to be seeing two people that are really old, still holding hands, still kissing.

No one really buys records anymore. You can look at sales and do that math real quick. Unfortunately, it's fast food in the music industry. People don't ingest full records anymore.

I've always loved the mixture of crushing live drums with a programmed groove, that really cool blend, like in the verse there's a really funky drum beat that is programmed then it comes in to the chorus; you've got that enormous human feel where the band kicks in.

When you're playing upside down, it takes twice the strength.

The Music was like Electric Sugar

The Universe is making music all the time.

But it's so hard to dance that way when it's cold and there's no music.

There's something mathematically satisfying about music: notes fit together and harmony and all that. And mathematics has to do with abstractions and making connections.

Music is pleasing not only because of the sound but because of the silence that is in it: without the alternation of sound and silence there would be no rhythm.

He took in the squeaky music, the vulgar and pining melodies, because passion immobilizes good taste and seriously considers what soberly would be thought of as funny and to be resented.

Dance with me, Death, I am ready.

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