I don't wanna be a rock star. I don't believe in rock stars. If you really examine what goes with being a rock star, I've avoided that really well.

Hopping the fence or wading the Rio Grande River isn't part of America's immigration process.

There is no finer sonic-producing weapon for a guitar slayer than a hand crafter Gibson masterpiece.

Look what venison does to a goofy guitar player from Detroit? I'm going to be 54 this year and if I had any more energy I'd scare you.

I am the Great White Buffalo and I play an American-made Gibson guitar that can blow your head clean off at 100 paces.

I'm an 'in the shower' or 'in the booth' kind of singer. I can sing, but I need either nobody to be able to hear me, or for me to be able to redo it.

I wouldn't mind going somewhere and taking a president position and signing acts and taking the attention off of me and taking what I've learned in my career and applying that to another person's.

Before you get to the strip club, you've got to go through the skating rinks.

My style is boho chic. I love that time period - the patterns, the prints, the people, the music, the vibe.

I'm a Cancer; I'm music-passionate. I like long walks on the beach.

When a band of flute players attempted a musical concert at a triumph in 167, the audience forced the musicians to change their performance into a boxing match.15 In the widening middle classes commercialism

The music, while it lasted, brought a new world into being.

I like musicals and I love music.

I listen to 50 Cent, Jay-Z, Stereophonics, Arctic Monkeys; also the musical Oliver - I can sing every tune.

From oriole to crow, note the decline In music. Crow is realist. But, then, Oriole, also, may be realist.

I believe in God and the whole business but I love women best, music and science next, whiskey next, God fourth, and my fellowman hardly at all.

As much as I don't want to admit it, my fans are the only ones that can hurt my feelings when they're not pleased with what I'm presenting. I want it to be perfect for them. I want them to have a different sense of pride in my music.

I can take an opinion, but I don't like when you try and spew hate and contaminate the way other people think. I feel like I'm one of the people that's always made music for the common man. That's why I don't really live my life the way I could. I don't stunt as much as I could stunt, 'cause that's not who my music is for.

You can be a rapper born and raised in go-go music, violence, drugs, crack, Reagonomics, and still, if you hear 'Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go,' you're going to find a way to hum along. Guilty pleasures? It don't matter. Sue me - I like the song. To dance to it is another matter.

Mix-tapes are something that have been going on for a while. They've been pretty important to hip-hop for the past 10 years. It's the way we advertise our music to the public for free.

You don't necessarily pick the singles that you want when you're making a record, but for the most part it's the same process. You're the artist - you make the music that you want to make.

I go out, but not too much. When I'm on tour, I just write a lot of music and sleep.

I come from a place, with all due respect, who's never had a music star in hip-hop. So the odds is already against me.

I just wanted somebody to tell me that I could sing.