Songs do write themselves through you; I know people find it hard to believe, but it's true.

Ann Wilson has an amazing voice and is a brilliant songwriter.

I was brought up in a fairly emotionally repressed kind of society in Northeast England where one didn't express emotions and was expected to keep a stiff upper lip.

The one thing I loved about blues and soul was the way they taught the world how to express such deep feelings.

I always think the audience should be part of the show.

I love it when people come from all over the place in separate vehicles, and they all come to this venue and become one energy. When that happens, it's a very magical thing. I think that helps the world go around, and it's what we do as performers - bring people together.

I think it is tiring to listen to digital music for too long.

When I play solo, that's when I put it all together. I go through all of the songs that I've written wtih all of the different bands; that, for me, tells its own story, and the DVDs really enforce that.

With any band, there's two sides - there's the image, and there's the music.

One overindulges when you're younger, and you pay the price in later years. But I always realized how important it was for me to take care of myself and my voice if I was gonna have a voice when I was older.

Only Freddie Mercury could do Freddie Mercury. He was absolutely brilliant - I loved him to pieces, and I had a great deal of respect for him.

There is magic on earth.

Without music in schools' curriculum, there is a void for young people to express, explore, and experience music.

Horses are such a powerful part of human development and have been since the early ages. We humans owe them so much.

I tend to want to form bands and then create new music within them. Queen was an exception, and we joined forces because it just seemed to work when we played together.

I'm a big fan of Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac.

When I was in my teen years and in my 20s and even 60s, it was okay to drop everything and disappear and become a road warrior for all those months. But after a while you get... y'know, one likes to have some home life.

I've been influenced by so many great people , like Sam Moore, Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding, John Lee Hooker, B.B. King, so many great blues and soul artists that I completely revere. So it's strange for me, actually, to hear somebody say, 'Oh, I was deeply influenced by your music.'

I like following whatever's right for me at any given time. I could have stayed with Free for 40 years, but it becomes a corporate entity after a while, and once I become locked into it and governed by it and am expected to do a certain thing all of the time, I tend to want to move on.

I have a secret weapon. My wife Cynthia is very good at keeping me in shape. She's very good for me. She's the best thing that happened to me.

Nobody should attempt to do Freddie Mercury impressions.

If you look at my history, my history is that of forming bands rather than joining them.

I didn't really like the '80s, to be honest with you. There was some good music that came out, but it went a bit disco for me.

I met Paul Kossoff for the first time when I was playing in the back of a pub room in Finsbury Park in London in 1967. It was kind of a blues thing going on, and he came up and said, 'I'd like to have a jam.' So he came up and jammed with me, and I just loved his playing right from the start.