Song-writing in general, and vocally I've learnt a lot about myself. I want to get better and keep learning.

I used to write at home a lot. I used to write a bit for Girls Aloud.

I'm not safe with fashion, and I haven't been for a long time.

Emma Stone and Jessica Chastain are both very classic beauties.

I paint my own nails and only get my hair cut when it really needs it.

I don't pamper myself very often.

Most days I am very low key. Jumpers and jeans are my staples.

I don't care if something's from Primark or Prada, it's about if you like it, wear it.

People feel they can say nasty things and have anonymity behind the net - as they did with all the nasty comments about me - without fear of recrimination.

I like my food and I eat a lot.

No matter how much control you have or how much confidence, it's always in someone else's hands, all the time. That's the scariest thing about this industry. It's so political.

I always had a family that instilled in me red hair was my superpower and how it was such a lovely thing.

It's brilliant to me, I absolutely love having red hair. I love being ginger and I love my specific colouring.

I felt embarrassed about how my body looked being so pale.

I think so many women out there start with a lot of insecurities about their skin tone and whatever it is about their hair or whatever is they feel a little bit uncomfortable with.

I've always been a keen observer of people.

I'd make a good psychiatrist. I can work people out very easily and very quickly. I've been like that since childhood.

I got to a really dark place when it came to wanting to be tanned, really disliking my natural skin tone. I was listening to the wrong people and all sorts of people were passing judgement on my appearance.

I do worry about getting skin cancer in the future - you only have to use a sunbed a handful of times.

My nan's skin cancer was on her nose and had to have it removed a few times.

I used to use a sunbed after school. It wasn't a regular thing, but I'd go in wearing my uniform. No one ever stopped me. No one told me it was dangerous.

I tend to colour my hair myself with an at-home Wella dye. It allows me to control how red my hair is.

I have a treadmill in the house but I never use it.

Fashion can really give you an identity if you're looking for one and I think the more people that know that, the less identity crises we'll have in the world.