We used to have to arrange things around the dialysis. I would have to plan where to play so I could be back in time, and couldn't go too far.

There are some great human beings out there. That's all I can say.

I was going to college to be a doctor.

I like Kelly Rowland, I think that she's great. It's hard to come out of the group of Destiny's Child and still kick some butt.

My father led by example. He wasn't much of a talker - he walked life.

I don't think anyone can measure up to what my father had achieved. I'm just happy to at least play some of his music, but he is really the one who was the pioneer, the one who started all this. He's really The King.

People said when I started, 'Why don't you just copy your father's style?' I had to be myself, singing my songs in my own way.

I was pretty bad. When I first was diagnosed with kidney failure, my function - the function of my kidney was less than 8 percent.

I've always been an extremist. Some of us have very addictive personalities, and for some of us, that mechanism gets tripped up. Mine certainly did. I'm not cured. You never are. The recovery is a day-to-day process.

I like Babyface, but he keeps the good stuff for himself. If he's willing to give his good stuff to me, we'll talk. But it can't be any of his B-grade stuff.

God surrounded me with people of faith, people of strong faith, people of power, spiritual power, and I saw little miracles happen in their lives. By it happening in their lives, I started believing it could happen to me.

Nothing had been attempted like that, to lift Dad's voice, literally, off of that track and put it on a brand-new one, and then line it up, match it up, get the phrasing right. I remember listening - everyone listening at the end, and we were just enthralled. It was really wonderful.

It's hard to be in the shadow of a Beyonce.

I know that God has had my back, even when I was screwing up.

I think that I am a walking testimony to you can have scars. You can go through turbulent times and still have victory in your life.

A lot of times, women are pigeonholed.

The '80s was an interesting, confining time for songwriters, so we were just sort of riffing in our own language, off to the side.

I think if there's a support system in place, and you're acting adult-to-adult with a sense of unconditional love and forgiveness, only good things will come from any relationship between men and women.

I'll work my butt off to do something well.

I love singing, and whenever I can sing some more vocal leads, I always covet the chance.

Harmony singing is my favorite thing to do in music!

Most of our great influences were male rockers, like Led Zeppelin.

As a songwriter, simplicity - what not to do, what not to play - can be the hardest thing to achieve.

In our band, we had such an interesting democracy, and it worked really well.