It is nice to be an American and to be able to have an opinion.

I've always been a little bit in the background as a singer and even as an acoustic-guitar player, although I crank it up and rock with my Marshall stacks, too.

When you're 12, you have no gauge for what's hip or not hip - or even who you are.

'Say Hello' was inspired by optimism.

Grace Slick was a total trip to work with. Lots of jokes and opinions. A strident individual and super talented!

Heart is fun for the whole family!

We've always been more... weird compared to most bands, girls or no.

There is a definite sound with all-girl bands, a good rudimentary sound, and that's what's cool and punk about all-girl bands that you still find, largely - it's really kind of primal.

We see what music can do for people. Hell, we see what music does for us! When you see thousands of people out in front of you, it's fixing their lives. It's helping. It's healing. It's bigger than the inconvenience of jealousy or emotional storm clouds.

People started to ask me, 'Do you really play guitar?' They thought it was a prop. It was just interesting, because of all the imaging stuff.

When we're home, we like to cook and be together and do mom things when we can.

Being taken seriously was always the biggest challenge.

We struck out on our own in suburbia with parents who actually helped us get where we needed to go.

There were not very many girls in rock n' roll together with men that had a heavy rock sound as well as a more acoustic sound like Heart.

We don't really intentionally try to sound like ourselves. I think that would be overthinking.

You need to know how to play live. The ones who can do that are the ones you'll see around for a long time.

We didn't want to be the girlfriends of the Beatles. We wanted to be the Beatles.

As far as havin' someone to talk to on the road, for instance, who's not a guy - it's saved my life many times to have Ann in the same group.

They're hard to come by, good producers.

I think it's important to be kind of brutally honest without making anyone else feel bad in any way, if possible.

We always wanted to do a children's book of some form or another.

I just think it's good to have a big, living, breathing piece of music that's not just songs.

I think what constitutes rock nowadays is people that actually play and sing. They can do the job live with no ProTools or embellishments or other recorded material.

'Barracuda' is very fun to play because it's like a galloping steed of a rock song.