There have never been a lot of female guitarists out there, so most of my influences were male. Acoustically, I followed Joni Mitchell and Paul Simon. Also, John Lennon and Paul McCartney - both incredible acoustic guitar players.

My highest score karaoke song is 'Ben,' by Michael Jackson.

Our very first group was called The Prunes.' We did a lot of campgrounds, living rooms, and backyards.

I have a favorite blue Telecaster. It's an old '60-something, which I play at every show. That's probably my favorite all-around stage guitar.

Everyone makes mistakes.

If you're in a rock band, you're never too tame.

There are some beautiful things about people like Katy Perry, who are bold enough to go up on a pink cotton-candy cloud, with a guitar, in a tutu, and sing all by herself.

We're notorious for living up to our namesake. We're all about love. That's how we roll, even when it's to a fault.

'Heartless' is something Ann and I wrote together.

Prince, I think, trained amazing musicians to bring more to any musical table they come to.

I have endless admiration for people like Chrissie Hynde who've been out as the only girl in a band. I'm not sure that, even as a little Marine Corps brat, I would've been able to deal with that.

We came from an era when women normally did not rock.

One of the things I've heard musicians say that's true is, 'I would play for free. I would play music forever, but you have to pay me to travel.' I know we're always going to make music. The traveling part - that is the most wear and tear on any human.

In many ways, we might compare to The Pretenders more than others, but still, we created our own category.

Ann and I were the main writers in Heart. We had the leadership role, and the guys in the band sometimes had a hard time with that.

The Seattle explosion was what saved rock from becoming too pompous! A great moment in music!

Ever since I could remember, women's issues have been pretty urgent.

I feel like I've had a lot of painful situations that I intentionally delete from my memory.

The high road and positivity is never the easy way but always the best way.

I can't decide which way I talk. I really, honestly can't.

I do like to do mad stuff on occasions.

I'm not a single mum, I am just a mum.

I'm generally quite active and try to squeeze in a workout when I'm waiting for stuff. Like if you're cooking dinner, try to squeeze in a few squats or a few yoga moves. Or if you're brushing your teeth. You know, just trying to do more than one thing at once.

I like to swim. Love a swim, any time I can do that is a good thing.