Everybody laughs at me because I don't really wear much make-up. I have to be forced and usually people buy make-up for me because they're like, this is ridiculous.

I have insecurities, but they don't consume me. It doesn't bother me if my hair's a mess or if I have a bad skin day. I just don't look in the mirror!

I have nieces and nephews who I've nurtured, but when it's your own it's hard to put into words how difficult it is.

My older sister has four kids and I honestly don't know how she does it.

Ach, I've never been one for big declarations or releasing statements.

I like a guy who does a nine-to-five job.

I used to love watching that programme '19 Kids And Counting' and I thought I might just keep going and have 19 kids myself. I had these big plans to home-school them all and I even wanted to be a surrogate as well.

Right after I had Anaiya, I definitely wanted more kids. I was like: 'I think I could do this professionally.' Because I loved being pregnant so much.

Before I was in Girls Aloud, I wanted to be a nanny. But then Girls Aloud started and that ruined that dream!

I'm just not a huge romantic type and getting married is a hugely romantic gesture.

A baby adds more stress to a relationship - you're up all night and it really is a test. Everything changes. You can't just go for lunch or dinner or a drink. That goes out the window, and you're dealing with the serious stuff.

I have nothing against getting married. It's a great thing.

My favourite smell is bleach. If I walk into the house and there's things being bleached, it just makes me feel at home, euphoric almost.

Of course I have been watching 'Derry Girls!' Series, link and record! Everything shuts down when it is on the TV. I'm like 'Nobody speak.'

There was real camaraderie in Girls Aloud, the feeling of one for all, and all for one.

The press likes to create cat fights with girl bands.

When I'm out and people ask me what I do for a living, the worst thing you can say is, 'I'm a singer.' It opens up a can of worms.

I like England, but L.A.'s warmer.

I have an animal phobia, especially ones I don't know.

Having your heart broken is like going through grief, it's really hard.

Writing was something that came easily to me and there's so many great producers who just teach you so much.

Sexism definitely exists - you see that in all walks of life.

I love doing things on stage with other people.

I rarely do shows just by myself, I've had vocalists or musicians so I can look at them and connect - and say 'can you breathe... do you need a water?'