I like being in a girl band.

I am one of three sisters and went to an all-girls grammar school so I'm used to being around girls.

It was fine at the start but there's always politics in any band. It just happened that I always got more vocals than everybody else, so in terms of people wanting their voice heard, that wasn't happening. It made people, very bitter.

Keeping your sense of self is important.

I was losing sight of myself and started to get anxiety and stress. You work at such a pace and you don't have time to sit with yourself and think.

The entertainment thing - you're there to entertain, it's not about you - I get that, but for a while I lost my opinion.

Louis Walsh, he made me audition for Girls Aloud, he said, 'If you don't, I won't speak to you again.' I was like, 'We don't speak that much anyway.' I went and it all worked out well, I wouldn't have gone to the audition if it wasn't for him.

I love the live shows when they're on and all singing great but I hate it when the judges say bad things about their singing. I feel sick because I feel it is mean because I've done the reality TV thing so I have such strong memories of what it feels like and I just imagine how bad and how nervous they must feel.

I tend to go with the flow and that flow can end up in great places or not so great places.

My big weakness is potatoes. I love them mashed or baked.

I was born and raised in Derry and I can't change the way I talk.

Some days I am fine but us mums are not robots, we are not perfect, we have to give ourselves a break and a pat on the back.

My weight often fluctuates by half a stone.

As a woman I think we are capable of doing so many things. There is great ability to compartmentalise - to focus on the task at hand, do it well and then move on to the next one, while having another million things going on.

I am psychic.

I have a very good, close circle of friends, I keep it positive. Obviously there is the negative stuff, but you've got to let go of it. You can't get bogged down in the details of anything, otherwise you'd drive yourself mad.

I'm very close to a lot of people from my time in the band, like our hair and make-up people and the dancers, but you gravitate towards the people that you have stuff in common with.

I'm not a particularly healthy eater. But I am 100 per cent fit and healthy and I am the right weight for my body type.

I am such an indoor person.

Lip balm can double up for taming the brows, too.

I've only been blessed with one talent, unfortunately, and that's being able to sing a wee bit.

I started dancing when I was about four, and my mother put me into dancing school, and I did every type of dance there is.

I started dancing when I was about four, and my mother put me into dancing school, and I did every type of dance there is.

I've always wanted to be a live singer and have dance be the complement.