Girls Aloud is not just us five, there's like us five plus a ridiculous team of 50 who travel with us, it's amazing.

It's amazing to me that songwriting is an actual job.

To be able to create an album where you are in complete control of your own work is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for an artist.

The traditional model for selling an album isn't the only way of doing things.

When I get back to Derry I always enjoy a good fry-up that my mum makes. That's my big weakness. I also eat too much chocolate.

I have always had incredibly skinny legs. It's in my family.

It's hard being with a man, it really is. They just don't 'get' you all the time.

I didn't want the band to end, it was as simple as that.

I remember the days beginning at sixteen, seventeen years old in Girls Aloud. Nobody knew us, nobody cared. We'd do university shows and people threw beers cans at us. All sorts of crazy things! We had to work really hard to get where we did.

Sweetest High' is for the clubs, that's what it was for. It wasn't supposed to be anything serious.

There's no rules in music anymore. You don't have to go down with, 'You have a single, let's do six weeks of promo, beginning with this, doing this, doing this.'

If you don't like somebody, just be genuine about it. You don't have to be anything else.

Working with Tesco has been such an interesting avenue to go down that I'm keen to find other avenues to release music.

In Girls Aloud, there's always someone there to help out, to jump in on difficult questions and to moan with about how hard we're working. That camaraderie isn't there when you're solo.

I get superstitious. I always have to have some form of potato, either chips or mashed potato or roast potatoes on a show day.

I'm one of those people that to be a singer you can just walk around the house and sing, you don't have to be in a studio or on a stage.

I absolutely love Haim, they are so talented! I adore them because they are 3 sisters and I've two sisters. I think we should be in a family band together too like Haim.

Kangaroos are crazy and can do all sorts of terrible things.

Insatiable,' the album, was more of a project, really... it was more like a songwriting excursion and an exclusive deal that hadn't really ever been done that often before... me being like, 'ooh I'm an entrepreneur,' rather than 'this is my singing career.'

I mean, I didn't feel, as part of Girls Aloud, that my opinion wasn't heard, or they went and did certain things and I had no say, or we had no say.

I loved being in the group, and some of the things that we were able to do were amazing.

I don't mind being asked anything! Not at all. I tell you what is annoying, is when you say something and somebody writes something that's completely different to what you said, and you're like, 'well that's not nice, because that's not what happened.'

I would rather go back to when I started doing music in Ireland and it was all live. I mean you just don't mime.

I only want to do live shows. What happens with TV shows is you can't always do things live.