I had to leave the music industry behind for a minute to figure out what made me feel home again.

Exploring many different avenues, especially setting new challenges, has always fueled my passion for learning something new.

Exploring many different avenues, especially setting new challenges, has always fueled my passion for learning something new.

No matter the genre, music is a universal language and vibration that people can feel all over.

No matter the genre, music is a universal language and vibration that people can feel all over.

I'm getting too much money to be fighting people.

If I'm DJing, and you stop me and take a picture? That's annoying.

When you're in this music thing, and you got friends involved in this, of course ya'll gonna have disagreements, and that's gon' be the outcome: we gon' fight each other.

I like everything to happen organically.

You've got to change with time.

Sometimes you can do a million songs, and if they're not good, you're just wasting your time.

Anytime you throw claps back to back on a song, it makes everybody want to get up and have fun. It's a fun sound.

You never know with me. I change my mind like I change my job. And I do that very often.

I just want people to hear my music and feel good, go to the club, dance, have fun, and get home safe... none of that gang-banging stuff.

My goal is to be the Jay Z of DJing.

Dark music always works in a club.

I don't want to be known for only making ratchet music.

I create my music so you can go to the club and have fun.

'Ratchet' has a lot of meanings. You can be a bad ratchet or a good ratchet. You can have fun, be ghetto, and get ratchet.

I wanna be involved in everything, not just one thing.

Time repeats itself, so it's up to you to keep up with the curves of the music and keep reinventing yourself so you can be better than what you are.

I'm trying to work with as many people as possible.

I used to live with YG.

I've always had an ear for rocking a party. Just knowing what people like.