Women don't go to war to kill other women. Wars and armies and nuclear weapons are essentially heterosexual hobbies.

I've only been to Ireland once, and I felt I would wake up with voices in my head, almost like music, and that if I were a songwriter, I would be very inspired.

I've only been to Ireland once, and I felt I would wake up with voices in my head, almost like music, and that if I were a songwriter, I would be very inspired.

I'm capable of looking on the bright side. I just don't do it very often.

I'm capable of looking on the bright side. I just don't do it very often.

I never imagined I'd be a solo artist. And now I couldn't imagine being part of a group.

I never imagined I'd be a solo artist. And now I couldn't imagine being part of a group.

Even though I've been reasonably well known for quite a long time, I still can't get a record on daytime radio or on MTV.

Even though I've been reasonably well known for quite a long time, I still can't get a record on daytime radio or on MTV.

My family, although they're very large on both my parents' sides, they don't know much about their family tree. Occasionally, they try to dig, but they can't get very far, and it's baffling. In Dublin, it seems that so many public records were wiped out; it's proven to be very difficult, so I know very little.

My family, although they're very large on both my parents' sides, they don't know much about their family tree. Occasionally, they try to dig, but they can't get very far, and it's baffling. In Dublin, it seems that so many public records were wiped out; it's proven to be very difficult, so I know very little.

England is a memory now. The gates are flooded and anybody can have access to England and join in.

England is a memory now. The gates are flooded and anybody can have access to England and join in.

For me to think in terms of employing security seems ostentatious.

For me to think in terms of employing security seems ostentatious.

There has to reach a point where you've said enough.

There has to reach a point where you've said enough.

The most common phrase bandied about these days is 'Oh my God'. People say it automatically all the time - not realising that that's a form of prayer.

The most common phrase bandied about these days is 'Oh my God'. People say it automatically all the time - not realising that that's a form of prayer.

I am unable to watch the Olympics due to the blustering jingoism that drenches the event. Has England ever been quite so foul with patriotism? The 'dazzling royals' have, quite naturally, hi-jacked the Olympics for their own empirical needs, and no oppositional voice is allowed in the free press.

I am unable to watch the Olympics due to the blustering jingoism that drenches the event. Has England ever been quite so foul with patriotism? The 'dazzling royals' have, quite naturally, hi-jacked the Olympics for their own empirical needs, and no oppositional voice is allowed in the free press.

I don't even know if I exist offstage.

I don't even know if I exist offstage.

As London is suddenly promoted as a super-wealth brand, the England outside London shivers beneath cutbacks, tight circumstances and economic disasters.