I'm sober now and very happy.

You get some confidence in your songwriting abilities and go for the essentials - guitar, bass, drums, vocals. Those are the basic band essentials that have to be in place before you go any further.

We want to push boundaries musically if we can and come at things from a different direction.

Soundgarden are kind of the masters of writing songs that aren't pop cliches.

Reason why we've lasted so long is we write music; we get very intense. We go away from each other, do our own thing, and then we get back together.

There's times when I go, 'We should have done a bunch of videos.'...Regardless of mistakes we've made, we made 'em, and we own 'em.

We were accused of sounding like a couple of bands when we started out. Aerosmith was one.

I think about trying to make it better. That's all I do when we play 'Even Flow' or anything off of 'Ten': 'Let's do this the best we can.'

People will steal ideas and put them into songs.

I'd love to have Jack White up. I think he's just a phenomenal guitar player. I'd love to see him play up close because he's got a killer voice, and he's a great lead player, too. That would be exciting to me.

As a band, we just don't tolerate any kind of abuse or intolerance of any kind of LGBT people by any kind of government.

It's hard enough just staying in the present. I can't tell you what's going to happen tomorrow.

I would love for people to enjoy our music and have feelings from it. That's all I can hope for.

To be able to make a living doing what I love is truly a gift, and I'm thankful for that every day.

I'm the kind of guy who wants to be involved in everything concerning our new baby. I don't want to miss a thing.

Until Mad Season, I didn't have that confidence to write songs, and I really got it, playing with these guys. It meant the world to me.

I'm amazed that people are even still wanting to listen to us.

I'll hear us on classic rock radio stations, and I'll go, 'Oh, my God, we're getting old!'

I've been denied coverage two times in my life - and it's after I've been in a big successful rock band. And I've a lot of met people who've been denied coverage who don't have the resources to fight the insurance companies. And they shouldn't have to do that.

Playing onstage, I'm always aware of where the bathrooms are. When Crohn's hits, I have to run, or it won't be pretty.

I'm born, and I die, but in between that, I can do whatever I want or have a strong opinion about something.

Every Crohn's and colitis patient is different, and they all respond to different things. That's the craziest thing about it.

I play 'Rock Band' with my friends' kids, and they completely beat me senseless with it. I feel like I'm holding them back. I try to play the drums, and I just can't play the drums. I think I need to work on my skills.

When our band took off, we were all in this microcosm of a hurricane or whatever it was. It was a crazy, crazy dream come true with nightmares floating around it, and all sorts of stuff was happening, and my Crohn's was happening.