To just meet people that have Crohn's or colitis and to hear their stories gives me a lot of hope and a lot of courage.

I should never, ever try and grow a mustache again.

When we did our first record, my mindset was this is all going to be over tomorrow.

When they're singing the guitar lines of songs in South America? Never heard that before. And in Canada, when they're singing all of the lyrics to every song - that blows me away. I don't know all the lyrics to every song.

There's Eddie's conviction and his lyrics and his ideals, and he can just rock straight out. His vocals are incredible. And we all are really competent musicians.

I've met a ton of new people who have colitis or Crohn's. Talking to them has been probably the most healing thing: to hear other people's attitudes on how they deal with their disease and how they stay positive.

I was reading an article with Stevie Ray Vaughan a long time ago, and the number '1959' stuck out to me for some reason. So I started searching those out as the band got more popular and I could actually afford one. And I found this one in Los Angeles. That's what introduced me to the whole world of 1959s.

I never play as well without these guys; the best I have ever been creatively has been with Pearl Jam.

I don't ever want to play a festival again, period.

I've always had this term 'mad season' in my head.

My mind has always kind of operated with this band like it's gonna be over tomorrow.

There's this idea that, 'All I have at the end of the day is my mind.' That's the only thing you can control. I believe that.

Crohn's doesn't define who you are. You are a human being; you are special and a great addition to society. Crohn's is just a part of your life. Try to be positive and proactive - therein lies the solution.

I've always wanted to have keyboards in the band.

I hope we've lightened up over the years. We're fairly comfortable where we are, living-wise, and we're excited, honestly, just to still be around. I think we're less earnest than we were.

Life is a pre-existing condition.

Am I really an author if I just put pictures in a book?

In the early days of Pearl Jam, we were caught up in such a whirlwind that I was just trying to keep my head on straight and play music. I didn't have the kind of confidence that other guys in the band did.

After Mad Season, I started writing my own music for Pearl Jam and brought it in. 'Given To Fly' came out of that, and so did 'Faithful' - those were on 'Yield,' which came after Mad Season.

I like to have a lot of different creative outlets.

Mad Season changed my life in a million different ways.

The older I get, the more I surf and do more stretches to get ready for the rock show.

There's a Kiss through-line to a lot of the music that came out of Seattle, and it hasn't been talked about a lot.

We'll go to South America and play to 60,000. It's insane.