We do not let our music get used in commercials for commercial products.

I was going to clubs in Manhattan when I was 14.

If people pay money to see you, they have to cheer. They can't boo, or else they're chumping themselves.

I'm always careful to even guess, at any juncture, about things before we do them.

London cabs always dis me. I purposefully give them a good tip because I'm trying to straighten up the image where they don't want to pick up some shady-looking, bummy kid like myself. I'm trying to teach them that if you pick up the bummy-looking kid, you still get tipped, man. But they still jerk me around.

We have not been able to tour since MCA, Adam Yauch, died.

It's what happens when you've been in the game a long time. We had to grow up in a very public way.

For 'Paul's Boutique,' we had a lot more money and a lot more time. It was definitely more on our own terms.

I was showing up at the studio all the time with no bag, being like, 'I don't want to have a backpack. I've had backpacks my whole life, and I'm a grown man now. I should have something better.'

I don't like the George Costanza-style wallet.

If it's genuinely new, when people are hearing it, they're not really gonna be comfortable because they haven't heard it a thousand times before.

Maybe some people, when they sit down to write their great novel or make their great record or paint their great painting, they have it all planned out in their head. But for me, it's never worked that way.

I don't think about Yauch in the form of his death. I think about him in the form of his life. He was like my closest older brother. There's just so much that we lived through together.

LCD Soundsystem - they put the drummer in front. I always thought that was cool. Because the drummer is usually the guy in the back.

It might shock you, but I haven't been to that many fashion shows, and I'd never done a commissioned piece for a fashion house.

When I was growing up in New York, we were the anomaly. Our family stayed, but back then families didn't stay. Once you had a second kid, you immediately left, so the kids could run around outside.

Denver and Boulder are good record-buying cities. I don't know why.

We make all the decisions on our records... We have complete veto power.

Yauch was a gifted MC.

No Catholics in my family.

There is an overall seriousness in tone that pervades 'To The 5 Boroughs.'

I don't know if it's just me getting older or if it's a reflection of times changing, but it just seems to me like among most of my friends and peers, there's a lot more time being spent at home than out.

I do really enjoy Jay McInerney's wine writing. He's a good writer. He brings his fiction-writing skillset. He's not afraid to put wine in kind of a racy context and speak very candidly about it.

We have rocked the ozone radically, man. They could probably fix the ozone if everybody stopped what they were doing and they put some cement up there.