I've learned that I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was.

I studied abroad my junior year of college.

I titled it 'Alaska' because the song sort of represents everything that happened in my life surrounding a hiking trip I took for a month in Alaska.

My goal really was to make pop music feel as human as possible.

You go to school in New York because you want New York and the life that comes with it.

People want to see a magical fairytale story, but the reality is that I spent a lot of time making music alone in my bedroom.

I think, as a musician, or even as a citizen of the world, I just want to be a part of something or feel connected to something bigger than myself.

I got the craziest crash course in rock n' roll that I could have ever dreamed of.

I've always had an instrument attached to my body.

This job forces you to ask yourself so many questions: Do you want money? Do you want power? Do you just want to be good at your craft? I don't know what I'm doing. I just want to be happy. But I know I have to keep making music.

The make-up and the costumes were me being scared. I needed to create a boundary between me and the audience. To project this bigger version of myself. Outwardly, it looked good, but inwardly, I began to feel horrible.

I never doubted the music.

I listened to birds and crickets, looking for the ways that rhythm appears most naturally in the world. I listened to the Smithsonian's field recordings of pygmy choirs from Africa.

The Pharrell video cut my body and soul in half.

In terms of my voice, I'm very clear about who I am as a person and what I think.

I reached a place where I wanted to make more music, but I didn't know what I wanted. So I stopped labeling music by genre and just got into a studio to be creative. Now I write whatever feels instinctive.

I like songs that you can have both the physical release and an emotional release.

Bjork - she wears really weird stuff, and it's amazing.

I've always wanted to play violin.

I love pop music. It's just fun, and it feels good, and it's easy.

Musicians have been political literally since people were writing songs.

I love being outside.

I'm kind of a funny writer because I write very sporadically.

I didn't decide on what college I was going to go to until the day I had to.