I gave my life to this without knowing what I was doing. I was very little when I started in 5H: I was 16.

I feel like our fans identify with us because they're like, 'I'm her,' or 'I don't look like any of them, but I'm different like them.'

My grandparents and my mom came from Cuba back in the '60s because they were fleeing from communism and Castro. I wouldn't be here otherwise.

I think pop culture has always influenced society.

I would say that regardless of how the brand has been created, we are four hard-working women who have succeeded in making our dream to become artists a more possible reality through this.

I feel like a lot of people disregard the scrutiny that people like us are under.

For me as an artist, pop culture has so much power and influences society on a regular basis - I see it in the kids; I see it in everyone that I encounter. Everyone is influenced by pop culture whether we want to be or not.

For me, coming into my own and being comfortable with myself really changed me as a person and made me more confident and vibrant.

I think that people have a very strict perception of what a pop artist is.

I do feel like the blogs that I follow share an aesthetic and draw a lot from '90s influences.

We want to just make music that impacts people - we don't really care about the rest.

I like the ability to engage intellectually with someone. I get so bored so quickly, so if you can't keep me interested, then I'm out.

You can't help it as a human being when you're put under so much scrutiny by multiple people, not even just one person in real life, telling you something. It harms you.

This country was built and continues to survive off the backs of immigrants and refugees.

I wasn't born into a family that told me that I wasn't capable of what my brother was capable of. I can do anything.

A bunch of my fans have come up to me and said, 'Because of you, and because you came out, I have finally begun to accept myself.' That is infinitely incredible for me. I didn't expect to get to the point where I would own up to it within myself.

Women are super-dynamic. I can be whatever I want to be. I can have interests in so many different kinds of things.

If I could tell every Trump supporter two things, it would be to travel and read a history book. Look beyond yourselves; look at how petty the morals you uphold seem when you realize we are not the only ones.

For me, honesty is a huge thing, and loyalty, when it comes to relationships.

I'm either dressing like a rocker chick, or I'm looking like I just stepped out of ancient Greece! It all depends on my mood. I love bohemian vibes, too.

It's good to be an anarchist and just love yourself.

We should care about each other.

Don't lose your love for yourself and how much you've grown and how far you've come.

When you really break it down to the way the world works, we're all little humans floating on a gas ball in the middle of space. That's the reality of our situation. And we've created these concepts and constructs that move us away from that.