No matter where you're from, what you've done, who you are, what your family's done, it's like, you cannot be healthy without love.

I want that to be my overall message - that we just need to love each other. We need to love other more.

I was 15 on American Idol, and everybody had something to say. It was like I had my really awkward phase on national television, you know?

I don't mind if people say I was on 'American Idol,' because I was, and that is a part of my past, and I'm super proud of it, but I don't want that to be all there is to me.

I've always dreamed of doing a music video.

I don't let people say mean things to me! I don't surround myself with people who'd want to do that.

I keep the people who I know love me really close.

My mom quit her whole life and came to live with me in California.

I think we're all insecure about something, but there's a way to deal with those emotions healthily by seeking professional help earlier on.

When I first heard my song 'Georgia Peaches' on the radio, I opened up the car windows and started screaming to the other people on the road, 'My song's on the radio!' Of course, I wasn't driving.

For whatever reason, people just like to come out and say whatever they want to say about you when you're on TV.

'Pretty' is not the amount of makeup on your face or the shirt you're wearing or the size of your pants - that is false.

I've never acted, but I'm an entertainer. So I kind of used what I know from being onstage. I've done a thousand and two interviews, and I've been on camera a million times, so I'm not uncomfortable on camera, but it was interesting for me to be someone else.

I had really bad polyps on my vocal cords, and I've had them since I was a kid, but the bulimia made it 10 times worse. They were bleeding constantly, and it was straining on my voice. And just the lack of nutrition - my vocal cords couldn't keep up because I was so unhealthy.

There were blogs that called me Miss Piggy. It's a really hard thing to see as a teenager, especially when you already have problems. Reading what people had to say about me online definitely made it worse. People can be vicious.

Honestly, I never thought I would ever tell anyone that I had an eating disorder. It was my deepest, darkest secret.

I love acting. I want to act as much as I can without interfering with the music.

I won't change who I am for anything.

I'm not fake, and I don't want to mislead people about who I am. I can be serious, too, and I cry a lot. It's just who I am.

I'm a huge country music fan, and there are so many girls that I look up to, especially Carrie Underwood, which everyone knows because I've shouted it out for a while now.

I really feel like I found myself, and when I found myself, I found the music along with it.

I wrote 'Road Less Traveled' to make myself feel better and process what I was going through.

It's all about, no matter where you come from, that you can be who you want to be and achieve what you want to achieve. I want people to learn to love who they are. Because that's the hardest thing in life, being able to see yourself the way other people see you.

I try to remind myself of the things that I like about myself that make me who I am.