Two Coffins' is a song I wrote for my daughter.

It's not like I came out in 'Rolling Stone' and all of a sudden I had a closet full of all the clothes I want.

If you look at the difference between the first Clash record and 'Combat Rock,' what an evolution.

I was married for like seven, eight years. And then coming out of that I was like, 'Okay, now what? I guess I would like to date? That's a reasonable thing. I'm allowed to have that!'

Trans people should be able to fall in love and sing love songs too, and have that be just as valid. You turn on the radio and every other song is some guy singing about some girl who broke his heart, or vice versa. And there's not a lot of trans representation with that.

My whole identity is not gender. My whole identity is not talking about gender. There are so many other things in my life that are fulfilling that I like to think about too.

To know that the people who are singing along at your show actually have something in common with you and can identify with what you've gone through, makes the songs that much more meaningful to sing.

I sleep with a notebook next to me, and most nights I sleep with my guitar next to me.

My least favorite thing about being in a band is photo shoots and video shoots. I like writing songs.

I have gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia. I don't like to see pictures of myself.

I've gotten to do some really amazing things, gone to some really amazing places, and just have some really unique experiences. And if I have one regret looking back it's that - not a regret even, because I think that's kind of labeling depression as something you can control - but I just wish I would have been able to enjoy it more fully.

I think the hardest part for musicians is what a wide gulf of time there is between when you decide to sober up and when you have the ability to navigate being social and having relationships and being in a band and having friends while sober.

Manic depression in general is something that runs in my family, and it's something that I battle with.

For most people who are transitioning, surgery isn't really a financial reality. So to place these goals of 'in order to be happy with my body, I must do this thing' is really damaging to yourself.

I want to write songs, and I would like to play and sing them. I'm not a politician; I'm not a comedian. I hate coming up with bits to do between songs.

In a perfect world, in my opinion, 'they,' 'them,' and 'theirs' would be the pronouns that everyone would use.

The first record we made, we recorded and mixed in a day. The second record was recorded and mixed in a week. The third was recorded and mixed in a month, and 'New Wave' was mixed and recorded in six months. It was an epic project.

Every artist has the song where they say, 'I wish I could have written a song as good as this,' but they don't feel like they've done it yet. It pushes you to evolve.

Most people I know stopped talking to me after I came out.

A lot of what keeps me going is wanting to be better, thinking I'm not good enough.

When I'm on tour, people see me in one way, but in normal life I doubt people even recognize me.

I guess I get a little impatient and frustrated when people ask what 'Manic Depression' is about.

I guess I've been existing in my own head a lot.

As an artist, you're just observing the world around you. So much is overwhelming and it's all so inescapable that it can't all speak to general cultural statements.