I'm a person that takes on situations from passion. I get passionate about things, and I try to help.

Being able to surf in Tahiti and places like Brazil was unreal.

Being able to surf in Tahiti and places like Brazil was unreal.

Mike Clark, who's a really amazing surfer, got me back into surfing. I surfed a lot from '82 to '86, and then I kind of started slacking.

Mike Clark, who's a really amazing surfer, got me back into surfing. I surfed a lot from '82 to '86, and then I kind of started slacking.

You want your fanbase and new fans too, to embrace the music, the new music.

You want your fanbase and new fans too, to embrace the music, the new music.

We like to challenge ourselves, and having new material and presenting it to the world is fun and exciting and fresh.

We like to challenge ourselves, and having new material and presenting it to the world is fun and exciting and fresh.

For me, the most important thing that I tell young people is to have fun.

For me, the most important thing that I tell young people is to have fun.

My father had a friend who actually had a hollow-body bass guitar and didn't work through an amp, but because it was hollow body, I could play it. So I kind of played on that for about a year, learning scales and all that. And here I am.

My father had a friend who actually had a hollow-body bass guitar and didn't work through an amp, but because it was hollow body, I could play it. So I kind of played on that for about a year, learning scales and all that. And here I am.

With my experience with Metallica, I've already surfed Portugal, Morocco, and all over Australia with Kirk.

With my experience with Metallica, I've already surfed Portugal, Morocco, and all over Australia with Kirk.

It's really, really great; it's special when people embrace your music.

It's really, really great; it's special when people embrace your music.

I play in Metallica, and I have fun in Metallica. I tell you, I am the luckiest man on the planet because we have a good time and we're happy. When we put on our guitars, we're teenagers again, and that's where the fun comes in.

I play in Metallica, and I have fun in Metallica. I tell you, I am the luckiest man on the planet because we have a good time and we're happy. When we put on our guitars, we're teenagers again, and that's where the fun comes in.

One thing about being in Metallica is I've always felt challenged.

One thing about being in Metallica is I've always felt challenged.

I'm always pulling and really feeding off of my inspirations. I think most musicians do.

I'm always pulling and really feeding off of my inspirations. I think most musicians do.

I knew Rocky George, the guitar player, 'cause I went to junior high school with him, so I've known him for many years.