'Justice' is the biggest challenge 'cause it's also complex in the arrangements.

Jaco Pastorius gave the bass a new voice. I mean, he was very inspired by singers like Frank Sinatra. And in a lot of ways, maybe he wanted to be a singer himself.

Jaco Pastorius gave the bass a new voice. I mean, he was very inspired by singers like Frank Sinatra. And in a lot of ways, maybe he wanted to be a singer himself.

When I was younger, I was trying to create from attitude more than anything else.

When I was younger, I was trying to create from attitude more than anything else.

I just wanted to experiment with the bass, and my main influence from Jaco Pastorius inspired me to write music in a certain way.

I just wanted to experiment with the bass, and my main influence from Jaco Pastorius inspired me to write music in a certain way.

You can be an incredible player, but when you get onstage, you've gotta be yourself, and you've gotta bring it, as we say, and that just means give 120 percent.

You can be an incredible player, but when you get onstage, you've gotta be yourself, and you've gotta bring it, as we say, and that just means give 120 percent.

We absolutely cherish our kids. But the fact that we all have them - it's definitely created an additional bond. It's not just Metallica - it's our families. And we also have Metallica.

We absolutely cherish our kids. But the fact that we all have them - it's definitely created an additional bond. It's not just Metallica - it's our families. And we also have Metallica.

We see kids out there on their parent's shoulders rocking out. And that's really special.

We see kids out there on their parent's shoulders rocking out. And that's really special.

I always say, 'Hey, I'm in Metallica, but I wasn't on the Black Album.'

I always say, 'Hey, I'm in Metallica, but I wasn't on the Black Album.'

I had a band called Infectious Grooves back in the Nineties. That music was really a mixture of styles, and we had some stuff that was punk rock, ska, but then we had a lot of funk in there.

I had a band called Infectious Grooves back in the Nineties. That music was really a mixture of styles, and we had some stuff that was punk rock, ska, but then we had a lot of funk in there.

I always say my role in Metallica is to support the song and to support my team, and whatever that means, I'm there for it.

I always say my role in Metallica is to support the song and to support my team, and whatever that means, I'm there for it.

It's very important to us, family, and the balance of family within the band is probably the most important. Metallica is important, but when you have your wife and your kids, and you need to maintain that and keep the peace, it's important to work around the schedule of the kids' schools.

It's very important to us, family, and the balance of family within the band is probably the most important. Metallica is important, but when you have your wife and your kids, and you need to maintain that and keep the peace, it's important to work around the schedule of the kids' schools.

The great thing about Metallica's music and the lyrics, it's always going to be hopefully a motivating experience.

The great thing about Metallica's music and the lyrics, it's always going to be hopefully a motivating experience.

One of the things that I've noticed since I've been in the band is that, as players, Lars, James, and Kirk truly enjoy making music and performing.