For my 21st birthday, my now-wife, at the time girlfriend, flew across the country and showed up at my house.

I was on the road with my brothers, traveling around the world, and things would be going well, and what would happen was that I'd be in a city, and there would be no way I'd know where to eat because I would only be there for 12 hours, and we wouldn't know where to go.

Ever since me and the brothers no longer make music together, I stepped aside, and I've been doubling down here in the tech world.

I am blessed that I get to do this thing I love to do, and if I wasn't doing this, I'd probably be working as Starbucks. So the fact that I get to travel around on a tour bus all around the country is pretty awesome.

My parents have sacrificed so much, more than any parents really should.

There was something in Nick, becoming the Broadway star that he was and working from the age of 7, being on Broadway for four years, and then doing the music.

My ring represents a promise to myself and to God that I'll stay pure until marriage.

I was a total nerd and had, like, two friends, and then I left my school and got signed to a record deal.

We all had our strengths. I focused on mine, which was kind of the business side of things and more about the touring and the creative... Nick was all about the music, and Joe was about the entertainment aspect and the music.

You learn very quickly where you feel fulfilled and where you don't.

My brothers and I have basically grown up on screen, and we feel so blessed and lucky because it's been amazing.

I think our music reflects us and has grown with us, and as our fans have grown, too.

We're a young, married couple, and we go through all the ups and downs that every couple goes through; we're no different.

I think traveling as much as we do and being on the road, the craziest thing is probably having our own little tour bus.

I think my craziest Hollywood moment was performing at the Grammys with Stevie Wonder.

In my line of work, you never know how the female fans are going to respond to another girl, but they've always been so kind and so sweet to Danielle, which has been really great.

At the end of the day, sometimes we don't always get along, because when do friends always get along? But we are a family first and even more than just being brothers in a band.

Maybe you're a little selfish that day; maybe you want something, and it can't happen, but you don't want to take no for an answer. Everybody has those moments, and you just have to be okay with being open and showing it.

Don't be surprised if you don't connect as a father right away. That's the one thing... No one ever talked to me about it.

It was funny because right before the whole band broke up, like, we were seven months' pregnant, so my life was going to transition anyway, whether the band was continuing or not.

You want your kids to be developing at the right level, and everyone says, 'They'll be fine, they'll get there.' But you get concerned. You just want to make sure there's nothing else.

There are guitars everywhere around all of our houses. Pianos. Guitars. It's kind of just in our blood. It's in our nature.

Surround yourself with people who will make you better, and learn to listen.

Any time you get to see Paul McCartney, it is pretty special.