You have a lot of time on these tours. As Alice Cooper said, you can either drink all day or golf.

You can say things a million times, but if you can't sing it, then it really isn't much of a song.

When I'm in the studio, there are no boundaries.

We've been in that situation where you're just so happy to be doing what you love to do that you get taken advantage of.

This isn't about the money. This is just for me. I love music.

The way I grew up, I was always taught that it's uncouth to talk about money, and that's not what should inspire you.

The fans have been great to me. I don't think it's asking too much to have me sign something for them.

Teen pop will never die as long as there are teens and popular music. It just takes a different head.

Senorita was fun to sing, but I don't really have a favorite. When you write a bunch of songs, they're like your babies. You don't pick favorites.

My favorite moments in the show are when I stand by myself and sing.

Just writing and being in the studio was like therapy for me.

If you put out 150 percent, then you can always expect 100 percent back. That's what I was always told as a kid, and It's worked for me so far!

If you asked me what pop is right now. I'd say hip hop.

If I did any movies I'd have to take a break from singing, because I'd want it to be really good.

I'm not trying to sound pretentious, but we did sell 12 million records on the first album, so we did get paid a little bit.

I'm not in this for the money because if I was, I would have jumped out after our first album.

I would never do anything just for spite.

I sang in church growing up. Memphis is the blues capital of the world, we like to say.

I really didn't try to make an effort to make urban music, but I am a product of my inspirations.

I like to play golf. I like to shoot hoops.

I know what it takes to put on a good show for the fans.

I get way more nervous playing golf in front of 500 people than being on stage in front of 20,000 people.

I feel very fortunate to be compared to somebody so incredible. Michael Jackson's an icon.

I didn't put out this album because I wanted everybody to know I was grown up. I'm 21 and that's not grown up.